Sanyo 18650 unprotected 2600mah (light blue button tops) BOGUS DO NOT ORDER!! Sorry for wasting everyone's time.

Thanks for the heads up. I sent him a message and ask him what the deal is. Dang I hate dealing with stupid people. I let him know that if it’s anything other than what is pictured he needs to refund now.

Seriously sorry about posting this.

What the heck? Well that sux. Did they just send you a random message or did you ask?

Yes it does. I just checked and if you log into ali-express the message is there. I sent him and message back saying that if it’s anything other than the batteries pictured that I want an immediate refund.

Bad news… Sorry for that… I never buy before in sites like those… I never trust in those stupid peoples… I stay whit the known sites and sellers…

The BLF A8 was sold on aliexpress.

There are good dealers on there, determining who is the hard part.


So dissapointed… Drop the seller a PM. If it is ultrafire. Would like to have my cash back…

I logged into ali-express, but I must be blind, can you point me in the direction the message?

For me it showed up on the order page that was sent in a confirmation e-mail. As part of the confirmation there was a link to a new message. There was actually two.

Fri Apr 05 18:55:06 PDT 2013
friend i am Solemnly declare this battery is UltraFire battery

Fri Apr 05 14:28:53 PDT 2013
hey friend this battery is unifire do you need ?

It seems that the person who wrote this doesn’t know what they have for sale. I’m waiting for the seller to reply to me. I’m hoping this is just an employee or someone who has no idea what this means. To them Ultrafire or unifire might simply mean supergreat fantanstic battery.

Good catch! Thanks, I found it.

The email title is “(your name), you have a new message for your order.”


yefei wang
Fri Apr 05 19:09:32 PDT 2013

friend i am Solemnly declare this battery is UltraFire battery

My reply for both orders:
If it’s anything other than the exact Sanyo UR18650FM 18650 2600mAh batteries pictured in your listing then I want an immediate refund.

For you BLF’rs, feel free to copy and paste my remark into your reply.

That sucks!

definately ultrafire….

Now if you click on the order he has the same listing for $44.60 and he wants me to cancel my order and place an order for the $44.60 and he claims that the first listing was not for Sanyo although the new listing is exactly the same listing.

Obviously he is not going to ship Sanyo batteries for the price he listed. It looks as though 5 people previously had bought and paid for these and I’m sure he shipped them ultrafire batteries.

I am going to bust this guys chops for a while before I request my money back.

I would also like to say I am sorry to have posted this listing.

Incidentally, I sort of ‘chatted’ with Mr Yefei Wang yesterday asking whether his Sanyo (yes they were marked Sanyo then) batteries were real and brand new because he was selling them for such a low price (It was $1.76 each then). Below are what we talked about:

“yefei wang:
00:44 Apr 05,2013
friend i have sanyo 20pcs for 48.88
00:42 Apr 05,2013
friend are you a reseller ?
00:41 Apr 05,2013
this is made in china
00:41 Apr 05,2013
OK thank you for your time friend. I have already bought 10 pcs Sanyo batteries from another AliExpress seller for $49.52 before.

I’ll just make a pass on this item then. Thanx again.
yefei wang:
00:35 Apr 05,2013
friend if you need sanyo it is more money if you need sanyo need 200usd for 20pcs
00:25 Apr 05,2013
I’ll be ordering 20 pieces if these are original Sanyo. I’m not familiar with Unifire batteries yet.
yefei wang:
00:19 Apr 05,2013
friend how many do you need this unifire battery
00:13 Apr 05,2013
Good afternoon! Are these original brand new Sanyo 18650 Batteries? I’m just anxious to order because they are much cheaper than the other sellers. Thank you!
Reply about this product

About this product:
Sanyo light blue 18650 2600mah 3.7v charge lithium battery”

He told me they were Unifire and not real Sanyo batteries. When I checked at the ad again, it was already renamed. Now the price was changed. :frowning:

Thanks for sharing this. This guy is a total scam artist.

already contacted him and ask him to cancel the order… sheesh… just hope he cancel it

He mentioned that he cannot cancel to refund. Money kept by Ali express and I can only cancel my order after 24hrs. What the….

What? No refund yet? This really suck…

Here’s a record of my correspondence:


Fri Apr 05 20:23:46 PDT 2013

It has come to my attention that you are actually shipping UltraFire batteries (not what is pictured). If that is the case then please cancel my order immediately.

yefei wang

Fri Apr 05 23:40:39 PDT 2013

if you want to sanyo pls cancel your order and then replace i had change price friend and i am sure i can send you sanyo battery

The ‘new’ price (for the Sanyo's) is $44.60. Needless to say, I cancelled my order (we’ll see how that goes).

Just what we all need… another worthless scam artist. This is probably a waste of time but worth a shot. If he doesnt send them for the price I paid, I’ll just cancel the order and get a refund.

My reply:

Sat Apr 06 11:38:42 PDT 2013

Well friend, I already paid you for 10 x Sanyo UR18650FM. This is what you listed in Aliexpress and this is what I paid for. Please send them now or I will report you for fraud. This is very bad business! You send now please.

yefei wang
Fri Apr 05 23:40:15 PDT 2013

if you want to sanyo pls cancel your order and then replace i had change price friend and i am sure i can send you sanyo battery

Looks like you guys are going to get a load of free Ultrafire’s and he is going to get no money! 8) Serves the dirty little scammer right!
