Searching for 21700 Anduril 2 cigar form light

To me cigar form means grippable in cigar fashion, and thus tail switch… but since you list the SC31 Pro, side switch only, the one that came to mind for me is the Wurkkos TS21.

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Great light but it’s a triple. Op wants a single.

Whoops! :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Thanks, but I’m searching for single lef. So probably I’ll have to swap drivers.

Wurkkos FC13. Bonus: one of the smallest with powerbank feature.

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Thank you, looks like this is it!

Isn’t the fc13 18650 though? That does seem like it hits all the marks, apart from the batt size.

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The FC13 is 18650 rather than 21700 though. Emisar D1K seems closest to your requirements although it is not cylindrical.

Too bad the Convoy S21E shipped with Anduril 1 in 2023, hopefully we won’t have to wait too long for the Anduril 2 version.

Yeah, just figured it out. Too bad.
I’ll try to put SC31pro driver into S21E.

There are s21es now with anduril? I’m ok with it being version 1 instead of the unusable stock ui

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True, my bad! With a 4000 mAh Vapcell N40, it’s almost the same :grin:.

I think it would be easier to flash a S21E driver with Anduril2.
Anduril2 will fit on a T85 with Simple UI(or other features) removed, I’ve done this on many FW3A drivers.

I don’t think it had the pads :sob:

You are correct, those drivers don’t have pads, and it’s a pain, but it can still be done.

I think this might be beyond my abilities. Contrary to the driver swap.

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On the other hand looks like a serious gap in the market offers… Hopefully not for long.

The reason I need this size and format is that I Have lots of 23mm TIR optics.

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Convoy S21E 21700 flashlight SST40 SFT40 519A,3V XHP50.3 HI Type-c charging port,Anduril 24.48€ |Konvoi s21e 50,3 Taschenlampe sst40 sft40 519a, 3V xhp 3. 0 Hi Typ C Ladeans chluss, Anduril| | - AliExpress

There was previously a problem with 519a in this light but it’s available again so maybe Simon fixed the issue.

Neat. But I want the xhp 50.3 hi high cri. I am glad he is willing to look at other UI options though

I am looking for the same type of light as the OP. Single emitter 21700 Anduril 2. Is there anything new to the market that fits the bill?

None that I’m aware of. I ended up building S21E with Quadrupel’s driver and I’m very happy with it.