SFT40 - 5000K is now available?

SFT40 - 5000K - aliexpress

Yes, at last SFT40 with 5000K. I’m hoping to see it soon in a 21700 flashlight, width < 35, USB-C and reverse charging, with Anduril 2.
Did I wish too much? :slight_smile:

It’s cheaper at kaidomain and they list the tint bin. Hopefully people here will be testing it soon. I’m excited for the couple that I have on the way. Convoy has a sample of the 3000k so perhaps those will be released soon, too.

More discussion here:

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Hank has them too

I understood LHT was Kaidomains’ store on Ali?

If so, despite the price it might be the same bin.

Either way, good the see they are already coming to market.

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