August 21, 2015, 5:21pm
This issue is like the knife clone issues. I think that until your patents are approved you’re going to have a heck of a time doing anything about it. It’s a tube light with features found on other lights (pretty much no part of the light has a new, unique design feature never before used), so I’m not exactly sure what you were able to patent about the design.
While I do feel sorry for your loss of sales for the group buy (because I think you guys make good products for the most part), you failed to supply the demands of the market in a timely fashion, under the false assumption that we were locked into purchasing through you. Unfortunately for you the market is full of companies to choose from, and one of them was willing to supply the design we wanted in the time frame we wanted.
Instead of hurting yourselves even more by reacting badly, I suggest looking at it as a learning experience. Working with us here can usually benefit your company in the long term. Your designs and brand recognition improve because of the free R&D and testing we provide and threads about the lights, you’re guaranteed sales (sometimes in the hundreds of lights), and you get feedback about the design from people who’ve handled hundreds if not thousands of lights to compare against.
The downside is that we are picky about being listened to. Nothing we ask for is impossible, and that has been proven over and over. Come to the table with an open ear and a desire to deliver what we’re asking for in a reasonable time frame and you can sell us thousands of dollars worth of lights in a very short period of time.
Very well said.
Mr. Song Sheng
On 1st post of this thread , there is chronology what was happening and the reason why we switch to other manufacturer, actually Eagle Eye was our 1st choice.
If Eagle Eye have different version what happened during the process, you can clarify it here.