Show us your Beaters .... Pics please

My LOD-CE. it was on my keychain for about 6 years, it has never glitched on me, and I only moved to the LD01, for the new run times.

Most of my lights end up being shelf queens because I don’t have a job that requires the use of a flashlight (no matter how hard I try!) but I do have some examples. Right is my recently upgraded Fandyfire C10 which I’ve had since 2011 showing a little wear. To the left is a 501B of my father’s that I recently rebuilt, it’s one in a long line of lights he’s broken (and I’ve fixed) or lost (losing them is why I buy him 501s instead of nicer lights). The lens on that one surprisingly only has a little weld splatter and with it’s new njang driver it should be more drop resistant. Other common failures involved cut boots that then leaked in fluids. In the center is an older LED maglite also from my father’s graveyard he broke and I recently used for a junk box build, now equipped with an XM-L, TIR, boost driver combo designed to run even off sub 1v AAs.


I like the abuse keys can do to a light over the years . Nice pic 1dash1 thing I notice about old lights is that the threads are usually buttery smooth.

love the novatac .. looks like a mature light going grey with class

Nitecore extreme infinity… almost 5 years of EDC

Now replaced with BLF A6 :bigsmile:

Lummi RAW AL, EDC and keychain light for 5 years. Replaced with copper Maratac AAA.

My most-used work lights;

The left one is a SK98 with DTP star & 6*7135 one-mode driver, used for flood light.

The SolarForce on the right is "The Black Maggot", which continues to take a lickin', but keeps on tickin'.

Eagletac T200c2. Had it for a couple of years, still going strong!

not really a beater but this Seraph P60 clone has been with me multiple use since the very beginning.
I would say the sheath needs an upgrade soon

I just love the look of those well used lights, the worn off anodization has some unexplainable appeal to me. :slight_smile:
My own lights are generally in pretty good shape tho.

This is my EDC, in fact I use it a lot as it gets harder and harder to see things as I get older. 3 mode with XP-G2 on a Noctigon
The red bezel came from some lights my brother gave me as they were useless. LB emitter and a the driver was just a resistor. In a pocket of keys the lens gets scratched up so at least for now I have a clear one

I wonder how the slightly to medium worn black anodization would look if it were baked in an oven.

My flashlight most used, are these two C1


Aww, you beat me to the punch. (Pun intended. :slight_smile: )

The Fenix has been in my pocket with my keys for a number of years and still sees some use. The Convoy rides in the thigh pocket of my Carhartts beside a pair of folding reading glasses in a plastic case and doesn’t get as beat up.

Great, my wife saw this and now is paying attention to BLF…. I tried telling her it was not about those kind of beaters… but she now thinks it is Beater Life Forum….

My wife wouldn’t shut her mouth and was asking for it, so I gave her just what she had coming to her. :bigsmile:

Now you know why I bought her a red Convoy S2+.

Not exactly beaters but close enough, I’m taking these camping :disguised_face:
