I would love some of these as well! For my purposes they could be bigger than 17mm (makes things easier to solder too) as I still love maglite mods. A 2D or 3D nimh light with xhp70 would be awesome!
I am wholeheartedly focusing on the 17mm size, it’s just the magic number, I could always do a nano run of some 20mm or whatever someone decides.
I’m waiting for the current rev in the mail, I’ll populate it and get some current numbers/voltage numbers, I’ll use the OSCOPE too so you can see the waveform.
After I can get it above 1.5A (or hopeful 3A with the FPWM) I’ll work on run times, and start stress testing the circuit, watch thermal blah blah blah. I do still think 3A of current is going to roast this board. I’d love to make dropins with special made thermal packages (epoxy the pcbs, heat sinks etc).
Then i’ll work with a vendor to get them in your hands! Or I’ll run batch orders myself, if we can’t come to an agreement.
I just received my second order from RMM and I'm in Europe. Can't get the parts here and I don't mind the shipping costs (although I hate the import costs). RMM even got a special site for international orders: http://www.international.mtnelectronics.com/
What are your thoughts about a 17mm boost driver for 3V emitters? It would be very useful for single celled lights with XM/XP emitters. You’d probably sell 5 times more drivers than for 6V emitters.
If you’ve put any though into it, what is the theoretical output in amps for the XM/XP driver? Id hope for 5 or more. :bigsmile:
+1 I want a high current ~3v boost driver that can take up to 3.0v input. I’m also excited about this ~6v boost driver though. Unlike FlashPilot, I think right now this one would actually be the better seller, or at least equal. Thanks theomajigga for working on it, and sharing it with us!
I buy stuff from him, especially if I want the stuff fast (live in Sweden). Not boards as I make my own, but LEDs, cells and other stuff. Never been a problem. Shipping costs are fine, if I want the stuff fast it’s worth it.
Seriously! Even 2A requires pulling close to 5A from a 1.5V cell and gets worse with sag and voltage drop.
You’re project is a really good one and ambitious enough on its own. There’s been plenty of clamor for a programmable 1-3V input boost driver and some fringe work has been done but no concerted effort in terms of breaking down the existing PIC mcu versions and coming up with attiny footprint versions.
You’ll sell many times more than 200, plenty of people on here will want them and not just one each. Then you have all the trader’s as well, they’ll definitely want them.
Yeah, I admit to being crazy. But then, a lot of the best inventions were ‘crazy’ for their time. Don’t let any of this crazy talk distract you (theomajigga) from what you’re already doing, though.
Well that is where I got the s 3.6mm number for trace width! On the 1oz that is typical of these little board fab companies its an 8mm trace width. just silly. This is probably why not a lot of high amp boards are made. I am going to work on a two board with pin header for an attiny. YAY!
An update to my latest rev: I got it in the mail, I am going to try and populate one, but I am nervous that there are VIAs that are too close to the GP, the good thing is that it will show itself right away, the bad thing is a hot/cold cycle I don’t know if these chips were designed to take…
Thanks theomajigga. What makes your PCB different from the FET [People are pushing 15-20 amps with these] & MTN Buck Drivers [can handle up to 5.5 amps]. Both 17mm layouts.
Those drivers are essentially direct drive, so not 6V. There aren’t step up FETs or many different controllers for that matter.
An idea I’ve been toying with is using my driver to boost to 6V and then putting a few 7185s together for a CC package. I need to research this a bit more, that would SURELY be a 2 piece board. The heat is going to be the killer at this point.