Sipik sk68 with fake/reject xpe?

Hi there! I just got this flashlight from banggood

as i checked the emitter, there is an excess phosphor

around the square die. emmits a bluish light which i

don't like, it is also weird since the reviews never mention

any of this. Could i have gotten a bad batch? Or are all like

this? Thanks for the advanced help

Its probably not an XPE or any other Cree product. You can compare your emitter to CRX’s awesome reference thread to see if its genuine.

If blue light is being emitted, that’s probably an area of missing phosphor rather than extra phosphor.

I agree it sounds like probably not a CREE emitter.

Could be an XB-D or XT-E. The XT-E has a funky beam.

I bought a bunch of these to give away. Here’s a pic of one of the led’s (they all look the same to me) !

They may be reject XP-E’s with very low binning and a horrible tint, but they are certainly real cree XP-E emitters.

Sounds like the same one I got in a cheap light. It’s a Chinese “Q5”.

yup! Just the same from the link in your post. I know

it's cheap at 2.64$ but at least they should be honest

with the die type :(