Smallest P60 Host

You'll like your 501a

They look especially good naked ...

flashlight and other things look good naked........ woot ;) >)

How did you get it to look so smooth? I used light sandpaper on one of my other lights to take off some for a black and naked look. But it is not as smooth as i wanted up close but you cant tell from a short distance.

Does anyone know if the 501b tailcap pressure switch work with the 501a

edit-why dont the smileys work?

Here you go .

It sure does.

Sweet - Thanks E1320

Hey E !

A quick Google search didn't reveal any vendor that I've heard of, who do you like as a 18340 supplier?


Offers.DX is selling an Ultrafire 501B with a 2.5A P7 drop-in for only $11.09 right now. I snagged one since I don't have any P7 lights. I think I may have to get a 501a host for a nice little flooder.

EDIT: Sold out! Damn, that was quick! I was #512 and it ran out at 527. Glad I saw it when I did.

Either Bestinone or Manafont.

Hey, do any of you have experience with the L2M from Lightake? Any chance it's a legit Solarforce or is it a clone? My gut say's clone but I hear others talking about buying SF lights from Lightake and talking about them like they are the real deal. I'm wondering if you think it'd be worth it to get this one for $2.50 more than the 501A from Manafont. I have an L2M clone from KD but it doesn't come apart like the real ones are supposed to so you can make an uber-shorty. I like that this one is silver (no scratches in the cheap ano) for pocket duty and it appears to be really well built. I like the extra mass it has compared to the 501A without a big size difference.

Dernit, the P7 501b is sold out! I am a day late and a dollar short everytime on DX Deals! Oh well!

That one ended FAST! I don’t remember seeing it yesterday when I checked. Saw it first thing this morning and it was already at 512 sold.

Just received the MF 501a friday. It is a nice looking light, well worth the wait and time. Lpve the size and the way it fits my hand.

Wrapped an XM-L dropin and installed into the host. It is very bright and gets hot very fast. I am pulling 1.9a from the tailcap with a SF 16340.

edit -

I received my 501A a few days ago and put s Solar Force 3 mode Xml.This is an great size light !!

I put a 18350 TF Flame fron Manafont, fits tight but fits. I didn't know that size existed till someone on the site recommended it.

If it's fits tight because of that stupid plastic plug knock it out of there with a long screwdriver, all it does is create resistance and steal current from the drop in.

E1320 - So that plug with positive contact does not need to be there? That part seems hokey. Also is that the same on the 501b's (guess the only difference in the 501a and 501b is the length of the tube)

Yeah knock all those stupid plugs out of there with extreme prejudice and then tape them to the bulls eye on your targets at the next trip to the range since that's all there good for.

Ok thanks for that information. Your very helpful as always!




Yeah knock all those stupid plugs out of there with extreme prejudice and then tape them to the bulls eye on your targets at the next trip to the range since that's all there good for.

Thanks E! I really appreciate all of your help and shared knowledge.




I learned so much from people here on BLF I feel obligated to share the knowledge.

Didn't see an answer for this yet. My understanding is the Lightake ones are clones, but well-made, well-received here and reportedly Solarforce-compatible. I don't own one, but there are some good archives here on BLF. Some people used them like "legos". I nearly bought one but was starting to lose interest in Surefire-style flashlights at that time. IMO, P60 hosts had their peak in popularity on this board around when the celebrated/ubiquitous Manafont Ultrafire 3-mode P60 style XM-L drop-in came out, partly due to the success of the drop-in, partly from an influx in members CPF refugees around that time. It's still a good way to start, due to their modular design and incomparable 3rd-party parts and accessories.

Separate note: great tip on using the 501A as a weapons light with an 18350. I do own a 501B and am quite nonplussed by it (will be a "most likely to be given away" member of your collection), but the 501A does seem to have its place huh with that smaller size and weight (and price).