Sofirn Flash Deal on Aliexpress from 25, Feb. to 27, Feb.

I’ve really appreciated that Tracy Wan is referring our ideas to their engineers, and coming back to this thread to give us mor information.
I hope we see rapid evolution of Sofirn’s designs with feedback from people here.

Question — has anyone measured the battery drain from the side switch?

I really like the driver buttonclick options on, and will recommend, the SP32 for people who want a light they can usefully clip on/off a bicycle.
The “stutter mode” pattern they came up with is definitely attention-getting, and quickly accessible with a fast double-click.

Here are xrefs to other threads with “Sofirn” in the name (individual reviews, mostly):

Suggestion — refer comments to this thread

(This is Sofirn’s main thread, opened by user Tracy Wan—-Sofirn)