Sofirn Q8 VS Sofirn SP36

The Pro is kind of impractical, lots of flood, not much throw and ugly beams since Sofirn only gets 6500K 50.2’s but would be a good host for dedoming the xhp50.2 or swapping sft-40’s. Ot has decent heatsink8ng a a nice driver with onboare charging (more of a novelty though unless they shoehorn PD in it).

In my opinion, for a stock light, the SP36 Pro 5000k is a better option (for now). Maybe we’ll see sft-40’s in the Q8 soon? I bet if we all bugged Sofirn they’d make one!

On the contrary, I think that 4xhp50.2 is a good solution to flood the next 200 meters with light.
Can you see anything over 200 meters? (this is possible only if there are vision problems - hyperopia)
A person with normal vision beyond 200, maximum 300 meters, cannot see anything.

Tell me in what mode Q8Pro can work stably without triggering thermal cutoff (without shutting down from overheating).

The flood of the Q8 is quite useful for many flashlight users. We all have different uses, so for one person who might think a light is impractical, another will find it useful.
I would agree that a 5000k version would be preferable.

For this video you have HK04 and Q8Pro.

Will it not make it difficult for you to determine the operating mode of these lamps in which the lamp will not turn off by thermal control and find out the duration of this mode (preferably on similar batteries).