Thanks for the input, yes the orange light comes on when switching to turbo as well as high and stays on as I change modes, must unscrew and rescrew head to get rid of orange indicator light. Again on a full battery. The battery giving me the orange indicator light is a Fitorch 4500mah 26650 protected cell.
Switching over to a Keepower non protected I am not experiencing the orange light, at this point of testing the sp33 seems to have an issue with the battery. I am just not sure why.
Thank you for the manual. I also got a flashlight with an old manual.
Hmmm, I don’t know. I don’t have my light yet so I don’t really know how the battery indicator gets its signal.
These boost circuits pull a pretty high drain on the cell so your protected cell might not be up to the demand and could be limiting current through the protection circuit. The driver may be signaling you that there is not enough current available to run the light in maximum modes (it is probably seeing the cell as weak or drained)
Thanks for your perspective, it is obvious now while testing other batteries, that the protected cell causes the problem.
I'm in contact with Tracy (Sofirn) and I try to sort out all typos and anything else that's worth being corrected. I will then upload an updated version.
My SP33 should be arriving this week as well. I will check how mine is working with different types of batteries.
I tested a variety of 26650 with my ODF30 today. I wish I had a FET driver light that used a single 26650, but I had to settle for a boost driver.
Keep in mind that the lower the amperage the better. FET drivers are the opposite. These are after about 10 seconds.
10.4A Protected KeepPower 5200
9.9A Unprotected KeepPower 5200
9.4A Vappower 5200
9.1A Liitokala black 5000
8.7A Aspire 4300
The protected cell dropped enough voltage after 20 seconds that the driver circuitry stepped it down to 6A.
The bottom line is that unprotected high drain cells are best if you want the most turbo usage. I’m sure the same will be true for the new SP33.
The tested Voltage and health of the cell will also greatly influence how much current the Boost driver has to pull, lower current at the beginning but rising ever higher as the cells Voltage drops. This is why a particular cell can be undesireable in this type of light, at low voltage turbo may well be trying to pull more than the celll is capable of giving or turbo may not even work at all. An early 9A draw will turn into 12-15A on the failing cell.
The tested Voltage and health of the cell will also greatly influence how much current the Boost driver has to pull, lower current at the beginning but rising ever higher as the cells Voltage drops. This is why a particular cell can be undesireable in this type of light, at low voltage turbo may well be trying to pull more than the celll is capable of giving or turbo may not even work at all. An early 9A draw will turn into 12-15A on the failing cell.
An early 9.5A draw will turn into 14-17A on the falling cell, etc… This could force the driver to step down a level.
You want cells with the least voltage sag for the longest turbo usage.
Anyone got photos of the XHP50 version driver? Is it physically identical to the 3v driver shown in dales photos?
Just getting my TA based versions .sch laid out and need to know it’s still the same T design with switch on the daughter board.
Hopefully, I have now rectified all typos in the English SP33 manual. Meanwhile, I have also uploaded my German translation as well.
► Link ◄
Thanks for the manual. Anxiously awaiting mine. Could you please describe the beam as I have no lights with XHP 50 and do not no what to expect. Floody or throwy?
It uses a xhp50.2.
It should be pretty floody with a hotspot about the size of the C8F. I don’t expect it to throw very far. If you have an xml2 C8, then it should be bigger than that hotspot. If you have any 26650 sized lights with a 70.2, then the hotspot will be a bit smaller than that. Overall, I expect it to be a nice light for walking around in the dark. Good light at your feet while the hotspot is aimed forward and down a little.
It should also have a faint yellow corona around the hotspot.
Maybe the few who have recieved theirs can post a picture of the beam for you.
Thanks. I do have the Haikelite SC 26 with XHP 35 which I like very much. I did add DC Fix to make it more floody though.
My SP33 high mode beam at 2.5 m (WB5000K)
C8F 2100 high mode beam at 2.5 m (WB5000K)
I like the 50. I am not a hot spot fan.
It looks like the SP33 is about the same hotspot size or just a bit bigger. It’s hard to tell.
It looks like it has a faint donut shaped beam. It might need some tweaking (raising or lowering the reflector) to smooth it out. Then again, the picture might be exaggerating it and it looks fine in person.
This is not a Sofirn SP33, but another flashlight that uses an XHP50.2 (KDLitKer C8.2, XHP50.2 4500K):
comparing to other flashlights:
Sofirn C8F (3x XPL-HD)
Sofirn SP32A (XP-L2)
video beamshots of XHP50.2 vs 3x XPL-HD vs XM-L2 vs XPL-Hi
KDLitker C8.2 (XHP50.2)
Sofirn C8F (3x XPL-HD)
Thorfire C8S (XM-L2)
Convoy C8+ (XPL-Hi)
(not sure if the KDLitker C8.2 XHP50.2 sample used here is performing sub-optimally since it seems not as bright as it claims to be, listed is supposed to be 2500 lumens, but Sofirn C8F is also listed around 2580 lumens and the C8F is notably much brighter)
KDLitker C8.2 (XHP50.2)
Sofirn C8F (3x XPL-HD)
Thorfire C8S (XM-L2)
Convoy C8+ (XPL-Hi)