Solar charger

It’s ok…we have all been burned by the overinflation on mAh and lumens rating…it happens…just learn that what they claim is usually about 1/3 actual true rating

The charger itself is listed as 4 x 3 x 1” basically and 290 grams or abut 10 ounces, with the solar panel. The 25600 mAh Anker high power USB battery pack using name brand Samsung batteries weighs about 17 ounces and is bigger than this little toy. Unbelievable just how exaggerated some of these items claims are inflated and if the battery capacity was even close to true how long for the minimally sized solar panel to charge it? Looks like liars selling to uninformed suckers.

Somebody buy one and test it out, as in measure the actual current in full sunlight coming off the solar panel.