Solarforce L2 series? Differences in 2014??? L2P, L2M L2N ?L2T? L2L,

I’m wondering what the thread is for the Solarforce bezel — anyone have a thread gauge who can spec it?

(I want to use some camera filters I have around, if I can find an adapter)

That stainless steel model you wanted to find is here the black section is a rubber ring that is removable. It is not a cheap item at $50 for just the host without a drop-in.

My favourite is the L2M for $11 it has the flexibility to use one or two CR123A, one or two 16340 or one 18650, you can double or triple that with extension tubes - depending on what drop-in you choose to use.
If you don’t like the look of any of the L2* range then there are a lot of options - starting here and using the drop-down menu.

I started with one L2T, now I have 9 various bodies and extensions, about twenty drop-ins, I’ve not bothered to count the heads and bezels, AR glass for them all, CR123s and 18650’s enough to make them all 9 run at once. And a Lantern set that is really well designed and made. Titanium lanyard rings, tail switches, a pair of A001 heads (with deep finning) that are discontinued.
All that from one L2T. :bigsmile:

and I remember thinking, ‘but they are so cheap…’

I will never spend as much money as on the bigger more name brand lights…

and guess what is coming in mail soon?

and having just ordered some SF stuff for someone deserving… I had to look at the lantern page to see if it was any different/new from mine and was reminded about the tripod adaptor on the bottom… hmn. that would have come in handy one time when i used the tripod adaptor sold separately!

I happen to think a SF L2P and an Int’l Outdoor ALXM2 dropin is a great place to start. I happen to have just those parts in transit to me now. My dropin is NW T6 3C, 4 mode, OP. :slight_smile:

Should make an excellent, versatile light to always have in my backpack. Higher high and longer run time at any given brightness than the AA pocket and AAA keychain lights I currently carry.

Old thread referred to by a new one, but I’ll toss in my 2¢ anyway. :smiley:

As for LEDs, P60 = P90 = D26.

Back when P-type drop-ins had hotwire bulbs integrated into the module, think it was Suefire who came up with the design, and nomenclature, that a P60 would have a 6V bulb and a P90 would have a 9V bulb (2×CR123A and 3×CR123A, respectively).

Later on, the more generic term for a P60/P90 drop-in with LEDs was D26, to reflect (haha) the ~26mm diameter of the reflector.

Problem is that you mention D26 and some people go, “dee-whuuut?”, like you’re making it up. I once mentioned a P60 in some thread here, and someone “corrected” me that it’s a P90. Yuh-huh.

Anyway, yeah, D26 is the more generic term, and P60/P90 are typically used interchangeably anyway, despite a Li cell being neither 6V nor 9V. Maybe we should use P40 for 1 Li cell (4.2V) and P80 for 2 Li cells (8.4V). Whatever…