Solarforce L2i hosts still available anywhere?

Is it low class of me to brag that I have five L2i's? Three of them I bought from Solarforce when they were $7.99 (one silver) and believe it or not, the other two I traded a BLF member (can't remember who) for a couple of UF 504B hosts.

I yelled as loud as I could about how awesome the L2i was and people may have taken it more seriously if it wasn't so inexpensive. I actually ordered quite a few of these and put cheap XR-E and XP-G modules in and gave them as gifts. I think Langcjl gave a few away too.

This was back when I was into GITD.


No. But if you had done it in the 3rd person that would be different. :slight_smile:

It also makes some of us jealous.

Foy has five L2is. Foy really likes L2i's. Foy is apostrophe confused.


I feel your pain. You want to add an apostrophe, because if you don’t it seems to violate the integrity of the product name, but using one is not technically correct.

I don’t have a solution, but at least you’re not alone :wink:

Actually, wait. It seems that pluralizing single letters is done thusly: the word flashlight has two h’s in it. So the phrase “Foy really likes L2i’s” would have to be correct, or close enough anyway :slight_smile:

One new for $55 shipped and one used for $35


Welcome to BLF, Dsche!

Gotta love the A001 head . . .


My new L2i arrived from Croatia a couple of days ago (thanks to Hrvoje). I quite like it. The XM-L drop-in I am using is pulling 1.5 amps from some Varta LSDs so still puts out a bunch of light. Run time will suck on high in that configuration of course, but it doesn’t matter. I still really like 3xAAA lights, and this is about as bright as they get.

I found black a little boring though, hence I just couldn’t resist baking it. The result was a pleasant surprise to say the least.

The L2i is at its best with an 18650 in there. I use unprotected Panasonics and it turns the L2i into a powerhouse ala L2/L2P.


what a great looking light!! 10000 units is a big commitment though… i wish the blf community had access to a cnc workshop where we could get small batches of our own version of lights like these made!!