Solarforce L2N

There you go!

Okay, now it's getting interesting. I emailed solarforce sales early this morning asking if they were planning on putting out a combo deal with the new hosts. Just checked a few minutes ago and voila - now being offered with the new U2 drop-ins. Scroll down to Bargain Sales section:

L2n with 880 lumen U2 XM-L is now $29.99

P2d with 880 lumen U2 XM-L is now $47.99

Just ordered the L2n Gray 3 mode.


Grey L2N with 3 modes U2 & P1D host :bigsmile:

Cheers, i had a look on their website, but i got lost like a kid in a candy store!! :slight_smile:

Thanx! for posting these....I gray; one black later.


Solarforce gladly took my money :bigsmile:

I hate SF. Went there to buy the L2n and Pd1 and blew over $100. Someone kept adding stuff to my cart :open_mouth:

Love it

Don’t want a plastic light, me wants the old L2r back! :frowning:

… but admittedly, that P1d would be really gorgeous, if it was available in signal orange and with an embossed (fake, even) Ex-sign (looka-here: )

Oh Crap another must have host……

Probably the same thug who stole your identity! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not surprised by this. Solarforce has been making clone lights, building up their business, getting better at what they do and now they’re breaking the mold. Pretty soon we won’t know them as a maker of 6P clones, but, D26 innovators since Surefire has pretty much abandoned the D26 system. I’m planning on getting at least one of each of the L2N and P1D as budget permits.

I try not to go to their website because I start thinking of all the lights I suddenly “need”. Lol. I could honestly buy everything on their site if I didn’t stop myself. Their quality is top notch and it makes you just want to own it. I love my L2Ps so much that I really have to stop myself or I would end up with dozens.

Hey the L2N has a FoyBezel!

Blitzwing might get an M3/L2N combo.

God dammit…. :smiley:

The grey P1D is calling my name like a Siren! Grey L2N looks gorge as well.

Was this really necessary…. :slight_smile:

I haven’t even bought the L2T yet, and the grey L2N looks niiice…
And why must the A001 head cost $5 more than the complete L2N host….
And I have to get a forward clicky for my L2M…

For the same reason that an L2-S9 tail does I guess. They’re premium bling upgrades, which is an addictive passtime, and they know it.

cainn nailed the answer.

Better heat dissipation is a secondary feature, mayhaps?