Solarforce P60 driver mod?

I have a solarforce L2m with the 18650 extension, and it’s hard to find good drop-ins to take the 8.4v. I tried making a parallel 2*18650, but I couldn’t get it to fit and still be safe.

Solarforce brand drop-ins are nice, they are buck drivers with modes and off-time memory, but they seem to top out at 1.5 amps on a good day.

Is there a known way to up the current draw on these drivers? Like a resistor mod or similar? I can most pictures of the inside of the driver later tonight if anybody wants to look at it.



various modes with 1030 Lumens XP-L V3, just ordered a single mode module myself

R220 and R24 are the sense resistors. This is a standard QX9920 based buck driver.

Did you, err, remove the flyback diode?

I didn’t purposefully remove anything, but the module stopped working and something fell out. I noticed that empty slot, I just haven’t gotten around to putting it back on.

So does that mean a resistor swap will work?

Wight i see in October you tore one apart yourself. Any way to get it up to 3amps? I guess your own 17mm buck design was giving you troubles.

Do you mind linking me to my own post? I’ve lost track of whatever I said.

I think ~2A is good for this driver. 3A may be pushing it. I have not tested the SF driver on a scope to see where the inductor saturates, but the inductor is awfully small physically. The FETs in use here are not in parallel (do not add their capacity together) and I think they are rated for <3A - and we should keep away from the rating IMO. On mine the Schottky diode is marked SS34 and I think it can probably withstand 3A.


Last post

I’m just trying to get the most output i can from 17mm and 8.4v


Into an XM-L2?

EDIT: fixed quotes

I think your reply got jumbled.

Either an XML2 or XPL. And I shouldn’t say “as much as i can” I’m just shooting for 3amps

I your travels has anyone come across a 350mAh XML or XPL P60 i have a bunch of old solarforce L2’s with an assortment of old P60 modules. I would like to use them as emergency house lights if i can source P60’s cheap enough, if not in the junk box till i toss them for recycling.

You can probably find something on, but if you’re tossing out L2’s, I’ll pay to ship them to me instead