Sold to Anonymous for $140!!! Auction to benefit Sardion Master's family

That is a wonderful thought. As far as I know she does not. Old-Lumens had donations sent to his PP then transferred it and mailed her a check for the total amount we raised. I would PM him and see if he can provide more information. He does have their address if you’d like to send a check to her.

Very kind of you flash.light! I was gone when this happened but I recall his unique handle & many of his posts. it dawned on me after this happened that if I were to ‘expire’ no one even knows how to access this site to tell anyone. I then wrote it down for my wife. There should be some way we could know if something were to happen to one of our friends. I wonder if someone would contact us if Don were in trouble? I know folks come & go but Don was just to involved to just disappear. I did not know Don well but would like to know he is alright. BTW, the bidding is not over till the big lady sings :wink:


Bump to 1st page.


Great gesture, just out of my price range and available batteries. I wonder how I could rig it to run 4 NiMHs in series.

I believe the oldest daughter has a facebook page. I will try to get the link, when I talk to Missy again.


I almost marked your post as spam cause of the damn "foakley" spam. :P Luckily I caught myself.

Heheheh…are you going to let 2pts1scn take this light from you?


Sadly, yes. :'( I want the light but I can't quite afford to pay that much.


Bump back to the front. Come on folks! Have we topped out at $120? This is a great cause and all the money goes to Sardion Master's family.

Can we get $125?

Im out of my ability of auction but

BUMP to thread will bring it up

I’d love this little number but my other Benjamin went to the first thread. That’s a really sweet light.



Another Bump :slight_smile:
