Sony a6000 APS camera opinions

Wondering how the camera is working out for you?
Have to had a chance to get familiar with it? Any pictures you are to share?

I’ve been playing with it. Sad to say, I’m a total amateur. I’m sure the camera is capable of much better pictures than I’m getting on total automatic. Here’s one I took a few days ago with the built-in flash.

Nice!! I’m glad you’re using it. It’s a very capable camera and does great on total auto, freeing you to concentrate on your subject.
In a lot of indoor situations, you can use one or two soda can lights on ceiling bounce as main and fill lights. It works great!!

That’s a picture of a 6 port power supply I’m building for my battery chargers. Still waiting on some parts. :slight_smile:

So it’s a giant USB charger!!
It’ll make an interesting build tread. I look forward to reading more on it.

It’s a giant 12 volt 200 watt PS with a volt/amp meter that will feed up to 6 battery chargers at the same time. Each charger port will have a switch and an LED to show if the port is on or off. It’s going to be cool.

Edit: it’s not a USB charger

This is my picture taken with macro tube, sel35f1.8, a6000
A6000 is my first detachable lens-camera, it’s simple to use, like point n shot camera
Ps: the picture is 2 tritium tubes
In real life it not nearly look as fancy like that

We need a longer shot of the work bench glenn. :slight_smile:

It’s a bit of a mess right now, but here it is.

Here’s where I keep my work room tools

Nice pictures. I love looking at others work areas. Yours looks totally under control. Looks like you have a little compressor tucked away to the side there as well. I’d never be allowed to set anything like that up in my house. :+1:

My a6000:

As minimalist as possible, all tools and other stuff is hidden away elsewhere :slight_smile:

Steve, the compressor is an oil lubed Makita MAC700. Super quiet unlike the oilless types.

Enderman, nice pictures, nice setup :slight_smile:

Thanks :smiley:

That’s the beauty of photography!

Nice pics!! I love seeing how folks setup their work areas. If I remember correctly there was a topic dedicated to it somewhere. I’ll have to dig that up.

Very nice setup Enderman. Does the crack in the screen annoy you? :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s an outdoor shot with my a6000


Steve, I’m not seeing a crack.