SPAM Button Click Abuses


Come to think of it… I had a post deleted as spam in the off topic forum! It was about being named Chester and the consequences of being named Chester. I know it was silly but my mind is silly like that. I think of things normal people wouldn’t and thought you all might want to debate the Chester phenomenon.

I like this forum, it works like so many others in the past. See bucktooths used to rule the internet. Nowdays any half-wit can get on and post his dribble. If the forum doesn’t have any bucktooths who take things so serious (why nowdays is beyond me- you would think we have seen it all), it’s not a forum I want to be part of :slight_smile:

Now where were we… Reserved posts (Um), and Chester!

I want to see your post about being named Chester…sounds like perfect off topic chatter!I have/would only use the spam button when someone was trying to sell something like oven mitts here(actually those could be useful when reflowing)OK…no use of the Spam button for me.I for one have not been abused by the spam button, but I have burn’t myself when cooking it though!Mabey I need those Mitts after-all! :stuck_out_tongue:

I would much prefer a 'report inappropriate/offensive content' button (spam would fall into that category as well). In a perfect world I would also prefer that no post/thread be automatically removed simply based on the number of reports since that can be abused, but to do otherwise would require each one be reviewed by an actual human, which around here means just one guy and that would be a significant increase in workload on SB. Other forums do it that way but they also have lots of staff to handle such things. It probably wouldn't be practical here.

I personally don't have any problem with 'offensive' content or blasphemy (it's a victimless crime after all) or bad language, but the community as a whole does, I only mind those things as they relate to the community. And based on that, I can't see a username like 'buttholeflashlight' as anything but an attempt to be deliberately provocative (username of 'sizzlincok' is another one, though that one's only made one post and then disappeared, may never be back, who knows). Rules about what's acceptable are fine, whatever those rules happen to be, but rules that are only rules sometimes and only in specific unknown circumstances just creates anarchy.

I feel much better after hearing that SB has the ability to see who clicked and what was spam button clicked. That seems to me as good a counter balance as I can imagine as I trust his judgment.

And he's said that the guilty party has not posted in this thread, which should make you feel at least a little bit sheepish about accusations thrown around earlier.

I find post #84 interesting. I've never said anything in PMs that I wouldn't be OK with being posted publicly. If it's not OK to say in public you probably shouldn't say it at all. They say that morality is what you do when you think nobody's looking...

Here you go again.

Not sheepish at all about anything I said.

I have no issue with what I said to him in the PM's being known. I just wouldn't post a private conversation without the permission of the other party

That image is highly insulting to special needs people, they have enough problems without that crap, also this is a G rated forum, read the small print.

Cheers David

That's cool. I'd really like to see who did it to this thread lastnight, and to which post they reported. I expect to see some hypocrisy. That's why I made that post, and if I'm correct, it only took a few minutes for the hypocrites to react.

me too lol i wanna see that too, I wanna see who marked spam any post like admin can

I concur

Let’s all spam that post.

A thread with no content other than “reserved”
is an unnecessary waste of bandwidth.

At least be considerate enough to post some tidbit of info.
“Reserved” just begs for readers to click and view as to what
subject matter is being discussed.

I frequently hit the spam button accidentally when scrolling a touch screen and then have to cancel those mistaken touches but it might be nice if it were located somewhere other than on the edge.