Stopping with drinking coffee - you tried it?

I’m using this pandemic staying at home as excuse to not buy coffee
so far so good

Though I’m substituting with hot cocoa

Are you quarantined and can’t go out to buy some more coffee?

i bought an extra container of 100% Columbian med-dark roast before the shutdown when the news was coming out.

i don’t understand all this talk of addiction—i’ve been drinking 4 cups of coffee every morning for the past 20 years with no problem?

My life was coffee, hockey, beer, repeat. But now the rink is closed. Like Meatloaf said, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.

Just in case anyone is unfamiliar with the term ‘smoko’…

I periodically stop coffee to reset my body. Continuing it for too long causes a deeper addiction. When I come back to it the punch and caffeine kick is much more noticeable.

At various times I have realised I was consuming too much tea and coffee and gradually cut back. At different times it was two cups of tea on the hour every hour, a coffee every hour at work, or 4-8 spoons of instant coffee powder in a cup (that was as a teenager, so it was probably normal).

Once I went cold turkey and it was horrible. There have been too many times when lack of caffeine has ruined a day or trip for me. Any time I go to an evening event I make sure to take caffeine pills with me in case coffee is too late. If friends are round for a drink in the afternoon or evening, it’s common for me to have a beer in one hand and a mug of tea in the other - but that’s partly because I love both beverages.

Over the past year or so I had been keeping my intake down to around 2 cups of coffee and 3-4 cups of tea per day, partly to see whether it could help me manage anxiety and partly because it was really inconvenient needing caffeine all the time and getting terrible headaches if I missed a dose. I can’t imagine how bad addiction to nicotine, alcohol, or other drugs must be.

Now that I’m working from home due to COVID-19 I’m finding it a bit more difficult to limit my tea and coffee consumption when I have easy access to the kitchen, but that applies equally to food as well. :slight_smile:

Try stopping cold turkey and see what happens. The odds are you will probably have some withdrawal symptoms.

Coffee however is NOT in the same category as Drugs/Alcohol.

Unless you are addicted to something you can not possibly understand addiction. Millions of people are addicted to dangerous substances but they are in denial!

, Have a good day

I played Ice hockey[Goalie] in the day,probably before you were born!

Don’t see how coffee is addicting.
I can not drink for 2-3 weeks due to work, then be back and be back at it.
… and I drink 2+ (2/4/occasionally 6) espresso shots a day

It’s not like caffeine takes your life/emotions/feeling/money away.
So just enjoy it, unless you have heart related or other medical complications than just limit it ( there are those people )

I love my coffee. It is my only addiction that isn’t a flashlight!

I drink 6 shots of espresso on a normal day. For bad days, I can get up to twelve… but I need to have the 6 every day, or I get crippling headaches.
I own my own espresso machine, so at least I’m not paying $5+ for coffee daily.

I don’t plan on it, because I keep books on my intake. For me, it’s one or two generous mugs of pour-over half-and-half with milk – three now that I can sit and enjoy the taste rather than get set up in a mad hurry to get to work.

Key factor is, that’s it. I don’t drink coffee at any time other than the early hours of my day, only if I’m at somebody’s home and out of courtesy when offered and one small cup at at that, no more.

I figure I get a good mood lift out of my diluted morning mix because I drink so little caffeine overall. (Also, pure psychology or not, black coffee does nothing for me.)

3+ cups of black coffee a day.

Have cut down my nicotine intake a bunch over the last 2 years though… it was one or the other and that was an easy decision.

I’d require much less of one without the other.

Who would actually want to stop drinking coffee?

It tastes good. It smells good. It makes you holler.

Lack of coffee bugs me.

I liked you better when you were a happy drunk. :laughing:

Caffeine doesn’t seem to give me any “kick” like lots of people say. It does naturally constrict blood vessels (which is why caffeine is usually added to aspirin), so when you don’t have your daily infusion, those blood vessels open up again and you get headaches, just like taking a shot of nitroglycerine (look up “dynamite headaches”).

But with the Klingon coffee I make, I should be shaking like Don Knotts, but I don’t. No jitters, nothing. Hell, I’m convinced supermarket coffees are cut 50/50 with sawdust, as they have so little effect on me. Now that I got a 5lb bag of beans and grind my own, I know I’m getting the good stuff. Still no jitters or “addiction”, though. Weekends when I’d “forget” to make coffee, nothing. No jonesing for it, nothing. Yeah, start getting a bit headachey by Sunday, but that’s it.

Lots of people have “addiction” to motions, like going through the motions to brew some java, as in you just get used to doing it, and feel “off” when you don’t.


I was forced to give up caffeine when a cardiac condition asserted itself a few years ago. However, decaf coffee is still okay. Two decent sized mugs per day does me fine. I’m sure it’s the process of making it and drinking it that is the most satisfying part of any daily ritual; the caffeine I don’t seem to miss.

Ironically, I also drink a good sized mug of tea first thing - decaf too, of course - I just can’t seem to do coffee first.

I've been addicted like a junkie, to the point of running to my drug pusher once a week to get 2 or 3 baggies of speed, and sleeping 2 or 3 whole days straight after each binge, week after week years ago. Hospitalized multiple times, rehab centers, etc. And much more! I perfectly know what I've dealt with, and cannot agree with you. Addictions can be overcome, just not the way you think I guess. To “beat” them mind re-programming is due, this is the key which makes it natural instead of being a constant, ongoing fight with oneself. Conventional medicine is oblivious to this fact, unfortunately.

And not only I am alive, I will also live a lot more than most can even imagine I swear. And endless lot if that is my divine purpose.

Coffee is not an addiction for me, it’s a ritual! I have been roasting my own coffee for 30+ years.
It just tastes so good!
I only drink on average 2 double shots of espresso every morning. Usually in cappuccino.
Occasionally I have been in a place without a decent cup of coffee, I will just do without rather than drink swill. No substantial ill effects other than a bit slower to get going in the morning.

That’s one reason why I stopped dissing decaf - some people literally can’t drink regular coffee. And I’m with you, the magic is in the production and its hit on the tongue. Guess that’s why black coffee not made by me has no effect, there’s no psychological heft to it like the pour over at home.

I never started coffee, and I’m very happy without.

In fact, some (by far not all!) people really seem addicted to coffee. I’m thinking at the three days BOTH coffeemachines at work were down and the whole office went crazy.

There are now two backups ready to brew…

Wish you all the best!

I don't really have to stop drinking. Just thinking it might be healthier. For me it is/was a ritual as well. You know when you start work, around 10AM and at 3PM again.. but if you take notice you can definitely "feel" the addiction. It might be because of the ritual as well.

Also, I like to add a piece of chocolate, cookie or snack to enjoy the coffee even more. That's a bad habit as well ;)