If you are not familiar with UV lights and applications you should probably do some research.
My modest understanding is that fluorescence occurs at different wavelength depending on the substance or material. Thus crime scene investigators probably want powerful lights that can reveal a broad range of fluids and materials with a wide range of wavelength.
However, for currency checking, i would guess you don’t need something very sophisticated or powerful. Some cheap UV/purple light may be enough?
One thing to keep in mind is that using a UV light for an extended time does require protection glasses.
I tend to think a Convoy UV S2+ is overkill for what you need. Just occasionally playing with mine a few minutes gives me a head heck.
You should check what wavelength are recommended for your application.
You ‘need’ a true 365nm UV LED plus a filter (to block the visible light coming from the LED) to really see the fluorescent bits.
Cheap 400nm LEDs do not do the trick for money detection and the like.
On another note, unfortunately UV LEDs have a rather high Vf.
Like close to 4 Volts.
So the fun is over pretty soon with a normal linear driver (like with 7135 current regulators)
Best would be an AA light with boost driver and current regulation, as to not exceed the maximum current.
So for example, the little Jetbeam would be ideal, but it doesn’t have the filter in it, and i have only seen tiny ones for ridiculous prices…
You could buy a 20.5 mm filter and make it smaller and try to put it in the head… Hmmm… :weary:
There is also the non-nichia jaxman u1 (18650) and jaxman e3 (aa). The uv output is lower than the convoy (There were some tests where the difference was quite visible) but they are still close to 365nm and have a filter (they are available at the Jaxman store)
I just recently got the Nitecore CU6. Not real bright in the UV area but it works well. In my research it has been one of the best fot looking at bank notes (money).
Most threads here and on CPF are a few years old at best.
The Convoy with the proper led has been noted as the best dollar value.
My reason for the CU6 is that it can do UV and be a carry light both.
I have both the Convoy S2+ and the Jetbeam Jet-UV. I also own an Nitecore Tube-UV and a Ultrafire WF-501B.
I’ve tested these on $10, $20, $50 and $100 bills. Didn’t have a $5 in my wallet.
I bought the Convoy and UF at the same time. The Convoy was clearly superior but both were too big to conveniently carry on a daily basis, which is why I bought the Nitecore. I checked the specs and the Nitecore is supposed to emit at 365nm. This surprises me as I wasn’t impressed with it. Ended up giving it to my daughter, so I can not honestly say I compared it directly against the others, but I also recall that I ordered the Jet-UV specifically because I wasn’t impressed with the Tube-UV. Take it for what it’s worth.
I don’t know for certain, but I think the Ultrafire that I own emits at around 390 nm. It easily fluoresces the strips in the $10, $20 and $50 bills, however with the new $100’s, the strip was not illuminated in a significant way. From the back, the strip is barely visible in certain spots.
Both the Convoy and the Jetbeam were able to fluoresce all of the currency notes in my test group. Holding the Jetbeam about a foot from the notes, I’m easily able to see the glowing strip. It’s more evident in low light, but even under direct fluorescent light, I’m able to make out the strip. In my kitchen, under what I estimate to be approximately 50 footcandles, I’m still able to detect the strips. It’s faint with the Jetbeam, but detectable. If I move the light to within 3 inches, the strip is easily visible. I’m running an older Sony NiMH AAA battery which only has about 300 mAh capacity remaining, but for what I do, works fine. Waiting for the battery to die so I can replace it with an Eneloop.
I realize you said you wanted something powered by 18650, but if you can be swayed from that, you might consider the Jetbeam. Otherwise, I like my Convoy. The UF can be purchased in a 365nm version, but I don’t have any experience with it.
Both the convoy and the Cu6 have 3000mW 365nm UV
The tube claims to be, but is not actually 365nm, it won’t fluoresce the red strip on a US 100, the other two above will.
great to hear there is an AAA option with a true 365nm UV, even if it is very low power compared to the 18650 models
Convoy S2, Cu6, are both 3000mW 18650 powered HDS has a 700mW version that is CR123 powered
Convoy s2+ uses the nichia NCSU276AT 365 uv emitter. It is powered by 700ma and output at best is 800mW. And that is overdriven. So it is definitely not outputting 3000mW
I believe you are correct. The Cu6 IS a 3000mW afaik
for some reason this guy claims the Convoy is also 3000mw, so I took his word for it, my mistake
that means the Cu6 is the most powerful
otoh, I see very positive reports regarding the Convoy, for example for scorpions
So I guess the OP needs to figure out how strong a UV light he wants, 3000mW, 700mW, or whatever less the little AAA Jetbeam puts out… depends on how close range he needs to use the UV, and how heavy a light he wants to use…
ps, I found a photo of the Jetbeam UV on a US100, and yes the red line shows clearly (pic links to the source)
No problem. This is the first of heard of the cu6 style lights from nitecore. I’ve been impressed with nitecore selection of different emitters, configurations, and battery choices and the likes.
Actually, just the opposite. At least on the 100, there’s a stripe that (iirr) glows red under 365nm, but is barely visible under 385nm. My cheapie 385nm light will fluoresce most goodies just fine, but that stripe is barely visible to me.
Lots of “UV” ’501s sold on Amazon were simply violet or even blue LEDs, not even 395nm let alone 385 or 365. Even blue will fluoresce some items in the dark (like my sneakers), but you need a real UV LED to see the good stuff.
I got lucky with a 385, but want to convert that to a 365.
Bugger, just remembered I did get a couple of the UV S2+es!
The Convoy has about 3.8v (vf of led) x 700mA =~ 2660mW, close enough to 3000mW of input power to the led. Given that the white light is only 440 lumens it’s quite unlikely that the cu6 has 3000mW of output power. Actually this thread of CPF claims that it is 3W of input and 1W of output.
The Jetbeam Jet-UV actually does a pretty decent job with the $100 bill. Regarding the UF, I must have lucked out too. Like yours, with the exception of the Benjamins, all other bills fluoresce very well.