Suggestions for a reliable work/homeowner light as a gift

Hi to all,

my fathers-in-law birthday is around the corner so I would like to score him a new flashlight as a gift. He is currently using his old 2D Maglite which usually shines only slightly brighter than a candle.

As such I would like to hear your suggestions for a flashlight that would meet following:

- Compact size, something resembling classic flashlight

- Mixed beam, not a dedicated thrower nor flooder

- For use around house, for repairs, garage and yard work

- Simple interface, 3-4 modes, no tacticool switches, strobes, spiked bezels

- Ideally with USB charging and very low parasitic drain

- Moonlight is not needed, but mode spacing should be somewhat balanced

  • Overall reliability, ruggedness and stability in every mode is preferred over max lumens


Welcome to BLF !
You can find a lot of suggestions in this thread Decent Light.
I’m not sure of your location as most of the suggestions are from Amazon, most rechargeable’s are using 18650 cells. If that is concern.

Funny, I have given my father several multiple AA LED lights for Christmas over the years.

He doesn’t use a single one of them. He still uses a 25 year old Duracell incandescent light that’s about a quarter as bright as the ones I have given him.

I hope you have better luck than I.

What size batteries would you like it to use?

Maybe this:

Hi, I would prefer single 18650 or 26650 for even longer runtimes combined with USB charging directly in the flashlight. As stated before, flashlight can be slightly bigger, or have medium sized reflector, so that it doesnt get lost easily.