Suggestions to buy a new 18650 Flashlight (UPDATE - Zanflare F1 and Sofirn SP32)

Yup, so far only Fasttech has it! I guess I’ll wait some more time and check if other sellers lower their prices! The U11 will be awesome to use! But not right now… :smiley:

BTW, does anyone have videos or photos from a Zanflare with the 4500-5000k tint?
Lightbringer indicated that it would be better to order the Cool White version, as the Neutral White would be greenish. However, here ( Review (Quick) Zanflare F1 Neutral White ) the NW seems good. It was , so far, the only picture of a NW version I found…

My Convoys S2+ have a CW version (LED U2-1A) and a warmer tint (LED T6-4C), and I like this last one.
So, I would like to see any other example of the Zanflare in the warmer tint!

Thanks in advance! :+1:

And yes, BLF members really rock! I do respect you a lot!!! :slight_smile: :+1: