Yup, so far only Fasttech has it! I guess I’ll wait some more time and check if other sellers lower their prices! The U11 will be awesome to use! But not right now…
BTW, does anyone have videos or photos from a Zanflare with the 4500-5000k tint?
Lightbringer indicated that it would be better to order the Cool White version, as the Neutral White would be greenish. However, here ( Review (Quick) Zanflare F1 Neutral White ) the NW seems good. It was , so far, the only picture of a NW version I found…
My Convoys S2+ have a CW version (LED U2-1A) and a warmer tint (LED T6-4C), and I like this last one.
So, I would like to see any other example of the Zanflare in the warmer tint!
Thanks in advance! :+1:
And yes, BLF members really rock! I do respect you a lot!!! :+1: