Sunny’s FWAA Teardown

1. Yeah, that 1x osram powered FWAA would do well with a buck driver. You might have a tough time fitting it in though.

2. Nope, the only gnd contact is on the top side of the driver (not spring side). The threads and that little shelf are unnanodized.

3. 18.19mm according to my calipers (threads down to the driver shelf). My driver’s nominal diameter was 17.8mm but it had a protrusion from the pcb panel breakout tab which was 18.2mm at its widest point. Taking the driver out and putting it back was a tight squeeze.

4. Clearance for components I measured at 16.95mm with my calipers but I wouldn’t put components too close since tolerances aren’t the best. Maybe go with a 16.8mm diameter or less just to be safe?

5. Good idea on using this instead for the measurements. Signal tube inner diameter is 14.8mm and the outter diameter is 15.97mm (probably 16mm).

This does seem like a good candidate for the avr 1 series’ 3 pin flashing. Our standard 6 pin pogo adapter might just fit but it would be a very tight squeeze at best (and it would take up a significant amount of the very scarce board space).

You know more about the new 1 series chips than I do. (I’ve only read the thread) I’m interested in making a fet+1 board with a 1616 when they finally become available from back order in October.

Would a fet+1 1616 based driver work with the same passive components as our attiny85 based drivers or do you think they would need different passive component values?

Cheers, I’m a fan of your work.