I would choose the 2019 RRT-01, if you can still find one, because I prefer no tailswitch
do you have a source for V11r? (I do not)
the RRT-01 has a lower low and higher high than the V11r
do not be misled by the Nichia reference in the 2020 RRT-01, unfortunately it is NOT a High CRI Nichia…
I prefer the 2019 RRT-01 over the 2020 w tailswitch
the LEDs can be changed…
the V11r is less heavy and less phat… otoh, the pocket clip is not to my liking, it is a press fit clip, I prefer the screw on clip of the RRT-01
more details
V11r has an AA adapter option
2020 RRT-01 has adapter options that allow both AA and 18650… (the adapters fit the 2019 model also)
all models of RRT-01 can use either 16340 or 18350, without any adapter.
V11r does not fit 18350