Supfire S5 5-Mode XP-E LED Flashlight for $3 shipped (1x18650, Black)

Rather than weighting for mu FastTech order, I filed the original white spacer shorter and put it back in.

It appears that the promotional coupon has run out.

Would this work?

These should work best: XP 7mm spacer on Ali Have some here, they are nice and flat.

Anyone have a couple they would be willing to sell to me? I don’t want to put an order in to China. Thanks.

It looks to be the same from the photos. I only have the FT ones in hand.

Just added pics to post #113

Great light for the money the killer is the sharp edge on the scalloped tailcap ..Why anyone wants this on a light is beyond me .Even done right it makes a light much less stable and always adds at least 4 sharp edges . in this case it's like 4 sharp points and two razorblades .Nice anno,good crisp knurrling and a great price .

easiest quickest mod is a de-dome .......if the tint is good but the ringiness bothers people than slap some dx-fix on it and go for flood instead....If tint is bad then mod with a NW tint xpg-2 or xml

I think the tail cap cutouts are to make the button easier to push, but they do make it tail stand less stably. The edges are easily dulled with 400 wet or dry sandpaper used dry, though that does leave silver lines showing through the black.

Just got around modding my two S5, one of them has an old XM-L 5C in it and the other one a nichia 219b I bought from KD a year or so ago. Make really awesome use lights. The tints are great.
Both got a new insulator between the led and the reflector, that really helped the flood.

That sounds awesome. I’d love to see pics. Did you replace the drivers too?

I’ll make some if I get around it tomorrow.
Not my best mood right now since I had to give up on a Convoy M1 assembly with a smooth reflector, that thing annoyed the * out of me. Ripped a 219b of a Noctigon… the damn driver wanted to short all the time… the leads aren’t cleared well enough, really annoying. :smiley:

But back on topic, no I left the drivers the way they are. Figured it isn’t worth it since a S2/+, S3 or S6 is just a couple of [worth of the driver] $ more. Just swapped the leds and the insulator, the current seems to be fine for 219b on aluminium so that was good. They give a decent light with good runtime (supposedly) and will find their way in the toolbox, cars, wherever it’s dirty.

Great to hear!! Would love to see pics too :slight_smile:

For those that wanted pictures of other leds on a pill… :wink:

Both assembled:

Nichia 219b with these insulators:

XM-L 5C with common butterfly insulator:

Didn’t bother to do something with the driver or bypass the long springs, figured it’ll be fine at this low current.