No, its in pieces. I planned it a long time ago. Last package with emitters are now at the post office. So I should have all parts for the planned build. But im too busy now to start modding this light. Other lights will have higher priority. I got some unique plans (which will require some time to execute). Ill share once the light is done (if it gets done), which may not be this year. Hopefully it will easily outperform the flashgrenade. I can tell you that MT-G2s will not fit.. Unless you modify the reflector a bit, which I may have done.. 0:)
Here are my three 6x18650 lights. Added the Warrior, SL3`s little brother, and the Fenix E15 (16340 light) for size reference.
I considered to make the SL3 into a "shorty". I think the battery tube is a bit ugly. Its a strange formfactor... RC40 and Retard light feels and looks more natural for me. But ill stick with my plans and see if I can pull them off....