Test of a Luminus SST-20-W 3000K 95CRI led

Thank you djozz for your time to make this testes, it is really very important to us

Question is sst-20 a 5 watt emitter like the XP-G2 or 10w like the XP-L ?

Sorry i am confused

This led fits 100% in the XP category: same footprint, same die-size, even the same current capability so about the same wattage. Only the voltage is, like most newer leds, lower than the XP-G2, in fact very close to the XP-G3.

In fact some of it is paid by my wife :innocent: : because my wages are lower than hers, she gets to pay a bit extra tax and I receive a fairly generous refund every year. The idea is that because of my lower paid job I am expected to spend more time unpaid housekeeping and the government makes sure that I receive some compensation (this measure was originally meant to make housewives without proper jobs a bit less dependent on their husbands). I do a good amount of housekeeping but guess where the money goes? :person_facepalming:

So using reflector dropped it from 9090 to 9070. Would using TIR better preserve the CRI and tint?
Anyone know if this triple is the 95CRI version? Might be a good drop in for S3+, Wuben TO10R, or upcoming FW3A.

Thanks for the testing :+1: :beer:

If you round off correctly, in this Nichia terminology it would go from 9790 to 9680, sounds a bit less dramatic.

A TIR kind of makes a blend of what in a reflector light goes to the hotspot and the spill so the result could be somewhere in between the bare led and the reflector hotspot, who knows. But to know what really happens, Iā€™m planning an E2L with this led (will not start that until a week from now), I can measure it by then.
Btw, in my taste a hotspot tint on top of the BBL is excellent!

If you choose the 3000K leds for the KD triple it should be this led, they have no other 3000K SST-20 listed, and actually AFAIK another type 3000K SST-20 does not exist has not been seen around yet. Mind that that KD triple board is not compatible with Carclo optics, only with the in-house KD optic that is sold together with the board.

If only I could get the 4000k version of this LED.

Thereā€™s literally no other source of SST-20s except for Kaidomain.

Do you know if this optic is still the same as a few years back? I tried it once but it had a lot of artifacts.

No I donā€™t. I bought one more than a year ago and have never used it.

Thanks for the clarification.

The excell sheet is big, with lots of other led data as well, and Iā€™m not too handy with excel so slicing it to size already is a challenge.
I hope the raw data will do as well? :innocent:

Do you think, this emitter is safe to be used in an Astrolux S41S quad, or in a Sofirn C8F triple?

You should be ok with a (direct drive) triple on one 18650, if it is over 15A you get in the danger zone but with its Vf a bit higher than the 219B you will not get there. More likely you will end up at 9-12A which would be perfect. To be sure you can start with springs without bypasses and measure current.

Not true of the SST-20 in general. Quite true of the high-CRI warm white SST-20s.

I made a Jaxman E2L triple (shorty) with the SST-20 3000K 95CRI, to see how the led behaves in TIR optics.

Unfortunately I only had a frosted triple Carclo optic while I wanted a clear one for this build. I half polished it so that it now is in between clear and frosted.

The driver is a BLF-A6 driver. I will make a lighted tail later so I added a 680 Ohm bleeder resistor. Also I ā€˜fixedā€™ the driver from voltage spikes on the CPU as suggested by DEL (not really needed for the very tolerant Attiny13 in the BLF-A6 driver but I did it anyway).

I did no spring bypasses because I do not want to over-stress these leds and this small light with so many amps will become too hot too soon anyway.

The beam is very smooth with no disturbing tint variations, perhaps a true clear narrow optic would have produced a more distinct hotspot.

The tint and CRI has not quite suffered from this optic, to state it lightly, it is as nice as you will ever want it to be.

Hotspot at a mode under 350mA (so regulated at 350mA, ~120mA/led):

Outside the hotspot at a mode under 350mA:

Hotspot at max (on a Vapcell 18350, 1150lm, about 8 amps, ~2.7A per led)

Nice Jozz, canā€™t wait for mine to arrive. Is that a white wall?

Yes the wall is white, and I even made the effort to post-edit the white-balance of this pic to match my phonescreen with what I see in reality. (which will be a bit different again on any other screen of course).

Nice, thnx for the effort. Planned this led for my reylight pineapple, but I think I will try it in a quad tir also now.

Looks very good. Glad the tint is below BBL so it wont be so yellowish like on the LH351D 4000k I just tried.

At under 3000K the light will appear yellow anyway, even under the BBL, it is the added rosiness that makes it look so good (or boring for that matter, it is indistinguishable from a halogen spotlight).