Texas_Ace BLF Calibrated Lumen tube / Sphere No math skills needed - Several spheres still available

I do not know of one that will fit as it, I looked back when I was designing these and I settled on the hs1010 simply because it was the only sensor that I could easily mount into the end of the tube without some janky setup and once calibrated I never had an issue with them.

Your best best is going to be to find a model you like and then find a few really stable lights and measure them on the existing setup. Then duct tape the new sensor in place and re-messure the lights and figure out the correction factor for the new setup. Then use that correction factor for future readings.

4 Thanks

Hello Texas_Ace,

I am looking to get a 3.5" version, shipping to the Pacific Northwest, please and thank you!

Longtime non-member lurker of the BLF forums. I guess as a newly registered member I am restricted to who I can PM?

I will send you a PM momentarily and we can get the ball rolling!

1 Thank

Hi I need one how do I get on the list?

Howdy, I will send you a PM in a moment with the order instruction. There is no list anymore, anyone can simply place an order, They are just generally made to order at this point.

1 Thank

Still available? How do I order?

Yes, still make them to order, just send me a PM to get the process started