TA, I’m in need of several of the 17mm version with your variant on Bistro. What I need is the full featured set up for use in a quad light. I don’t care about you building it, throw all the bits in a ziploc and mail em, I can build them myself no problemo. Can we do this? I’d use an L6 driver the same way, just set it up in the MCU and throw all the bits in a bag, I’ll take care of the rest. I need to get a top binned XHP-70 so I can mod the clear L6 for my son-in-law, he has need of a big boss light at work. (Actually, this one needs a ramping firmware, if you can do that, if not I can flash the MCU with my own.)
Holler at me and we’ll figure it out, Thanks!
No particular hurry, sometime in the next hour is fine. (just messin with ya, need the light for my son-in-law for Christmas, the other’s are not pressing)
This is kind of the idea, lots and lots of options but most will set it how they want it and never touch it again. The idea is to have those options for everyone.
I do have a version of the firmware with 14 mode groups, a larger ramp table and soft start (I think) enabled. I will have to check into that again. I might add it to the release as an option if people want it. Basically it doesn’t have any of the mode groups after 14 IIRC and has soft start enabled.
I sold 2 or 3 of them, all the sales so far have been through PM pretty much so this thread doesn’t get bumped much.
I have not had any further requests so I have not seen a reason to order more parts for them or the drivers.
I think people expect to be able to just buy the tailcap and don’t realize they need the matching driver to go with them in order for it to work properly.
I am interested in a couple of 17MM e-switch versions with Narsil firmware. I’d rather nor try to build them myself as I don’t see those tiny parts so well any more.
I ran out of 7135’s and don’t see myself ordering more of them at this point.
Due to the very low demand for these and the very high effort involved with making them I don’t think I will be making another batch.
I do have some left over PCB’s and other parts I could sell so you don’t have to wait on oshpark though. I would have to check how many.
Now I do have a LOT of lighted tailcap parts, switches, springs, LED’s, Pots ect. If anyone wants a lighted tailcap “kit” let me know. The one thing I don’t have many of are the PCB’s.
Put simply it is not worth the time involved with building these at this point. Which is fine, I never intended to make money off this project anyways.
As far as seeing the parts, I see a lot of people complain about this, do people try to assemble the drivers without a magnifier?
I have the older version of this without the lights and it makes it easy to see what you are doing. Just get yourself a pair of fine time tweezers:
Due to the low interest and high amount of work involved with building these things by hand I do not think I will be making any more complete drivers or tailcaps to sell. It is simply not worth the time.
That said I do have some parts left over and will be selling “kits” to build your own tailcaps along with a few other items.
I have everything but the PCB’s here to build some green tailcaps. The PCB’s can be ordered from oshpark in the size you need.
Do you still have any of the TA driver “parts kits” to sell? I’m thinking about buying boards from Osh Park and a “parts kit” from you for building a D01 driver. Does it take the same parts list as the others?
I don’t have anymore complete kits, I am out of MCU’s, diodes and real low on FET’s, lots of resistors though. Most likely you will have to order the parts separately anyways. Use arrow with the free shipping and the cost works out well.
I do have some lighted tailcaps parts kits left though, lots of those.