Texas Avenger "TA" Driver series - Triple channel + Bistro or Narsil + Clicky or E-switch - The Ultimate open source driver!

Double click does work for me when it's cool. I think I have some cheap caps. They don't work well hot and even hitting a short click gets difficult. A little slower timing would help, but that new sleep mode software will help more.

Ok, I added some more Hex files to the download, these have the stock very slow settings that came with bistro along with some midrange settings.

Same download link as before.

Great! I suspect I'll like the midrange settings.

Appreciate ya. I think I’ll like the mid-range also. I’ll leave some feedback as soon as I get a chance

Has anyone used the 4s setup to power one or more xhp35? Do the 35 handle it ok? Would the 35s do better if four were powered by the fet in parallel? Thanks for any help!

See here: Texas Avenger "TA" Driver series - Triple channel + Bistro or Narsil + Clicky or E-switch - The Ultimate open source driver! - #709 by pilotdog68
And here: XHP35 - #96 by pilotdog68

On top of PD tests I have also been testing XHP35’s recently and yes, they do indeed work with FET drivers, in fact they are actually quite tough little suckers. I will be posting the official results in the BLF GT thread once we get past the cosmetic issues.

The only issue with an FET and xhp35’s is the dropping efficiency in the lower modes, at 50% duty it is only loosing about 10% but it will keep getting worse as the duty cycle goes down.

The LED itself should handle the output from the FET fine though if properly heat sinked.

In other news, has anyone had any issues with the SIR800’s?

I built a dozen TA drivers today and out of them I had 2 with a strange issue, it would give at least ~650ma to the LED no matter what mode. It would then add power on top of that.

After pulling the driver apart piece by piece (I thought it was the 7135’s at first) I found that the FET was the issue, I replaced it with an NXP FET and it works perfectly now. Gonna try the other one in a moment.

Never had this happen before, the FET would also still go into the turbo mode fine, but it always allowed a little current to pass through strangely.

It wasn’t just an issue with the reflow was it?

Don’t think so as I reflowed the whole thing a few times while removing and testing the 7135’s and it still had the same issue.

Just replaced the FET on the other driver, same result, works perfect now.

No idea what is up with this.

I want to attempt my first build using narsil. Is there any information on the updated narsil for triple channel drivers? Does the indicator led still work with the three power channels? Just have some questions like these that may already be answered out there already.

The OP has the link to narsil triple.

As it is setup right now it does support an indicator LED but I am not totally sure what pin it uses, I think you can use R1/R2 pads to turn it on.

It only supports LVP in 1S setups at the moment, 2S support would loose the indicator LED until some updates to the firmware are made.

Ok. So r1 and r2 are not used?

Maybe I need to download the files to my pc;) there may be some more info there?

Correct, it uses the internal reference as it is setup now which is only good for 1S setups. For 2S it won’t activate LVP (I am waiting for Tom to get time to update it with an option for the normal voltage divider to release the L6 drivers).

If you look through the code it does explain some stuff and tom has a nice manual in the files, so I would look through it.

Great! I’m using 1s so that is no problem. I’ll look through the code later this week. Thanks

I’m getting this error when trying to flash texas avenger bistro :

any clue ?

Try repositioning the clip and/or pressing it together with your finders to increase the clamping force, generally caused by a bad connection.