why is the picture b&w?
Thanks. I appreciate it!
I don’t know. I kind of like black and white, sometimes.
Thanks for the color picture, goes to show how few colored flashlights are sold.
Hmm I’m at around 30+ now, I could probably qualify for posting in this thread.
Hmm I’m at around 30+ now, I could probably qualify for posting in this thread.
Yes - you should definitely post
See my give away thread:
Since I am long due to give something away, I have been thinking about something people would like, but my lights tend to be specialized and not to the usual tastes. So I will give the winner the choice of anything I list or show here, or that I have mentioned on other threads and still have in my possession. In addition to the modifications listed, the threads of most of them have been lapped together to make them smoother. The winner will be chosen at random from those who post replies here. […
I think I can qualify for this thread now.
From left to right, front to back…
Solarforce L2N - IOS CUXM2 3C drop in - Solarforce LT-1 Kit
Fenix TK61 - Dedomed factory emitter, MTN TK61 driver ~6A
Thrunite TN31 - Dedomed XM-L2 U2 1A - Resistor bypass mod, braided springs, TN35 lens
Thrunite TN35vn - Vinh modded “Current Boost” I believe this is just a resistor mod
Jax Z1 - Q0 MT-G2, BLF17DD, chunk of copper soldered under emitter shelf, braided springs
Thrunite TN30 - Dedomed XM-L2 U2 1A emitters - currently not working
FireFoxes FF4
Thrunite TN36 - NW
Starry Light SA-22 BLF Edition - 3C tint
XinTD C8 V5 - XM-L2 T4 5B1, LD-1 5A driver
Eagletac SX25L3
Sunwayman M40Avn - Dedomed XM-L2 PDTn
Solarforce L2 Clone - De-domed XP-G2 1D, Qlite driver
Convoy M2 - Q0 MT-G2, zener modded stacked qlite - 5.32A
Lumens Factory Seraph SP-6 - Sportac Triple Drop-In
Eagle Eyes X6 - Triple XP-L V6 3D, BLF17DD driver
Eagle Eyes X6 - De-domed XM-L2 U2 1A, V10+ driver
Solarforce L2C - IOS CUXM2 XM-L2 T4 5B1, Solarforce L2-CL1 convex lens
Lumens Factory Seraph SP-6 Ti - Mattaus silver plated copper P60 shell, Triple XP-G2 R5 5A2, BLF17DD, Carclo 10508
Sinner TiXC - Triple XP-G2 R5 5A2, BLF17DD, Carclo 10510 (elliptical)
Convoy S2 - Triple Nichia 219B, stacked Qlite 4.80A, Carclo 10507
Sunwayman D40A
Sunwayman V10R Ti+ - XM-L2 T5 5A2 emitter swap
Rufusbduck custom 1x10440 Maglite - Nichia 219, TIR optic
Olight M10 Maverick - XM-L2 4C emitter swap
Convoy S2+ 18350 - Nichia 219B, Qlite driver
Niteye E10 TiC - XM-L2 U2 1A de-domed emitter swap
Eagletac D25Cvn Ti - De-domed XP-G2
Olight S10 - XM-L2 4C emitter swap
Not Pictured
Thrunite Ti2
Armytek Wizard Warm headlamp
In Transit / On Order
Reylight BLF Ti with 9 Trits
Noctigon M43 Meteor with XP-G2 3D emitters
Opus BT-C3100
Xtar VP4
Thrunite MCC-4
Nitecore D4
Nitecore i4
Can’t be bothered listing battery quantities, but every light has batteries in it at all times and I have a mix of Sony VTC5, Efest 35A, Samsung 25r, Panasonic NCR18650B/PD/PF, Keeppower 18650/26650, MNKE 26650, Efest 10440/18350, AW IMR 18350, Nitecore 16340
What is the one in back left with the big diffuser?
Which one is your favorite flashlight, but only one?
What is the one in back left with the big diffuser?
That’s the first one on my list. Solarforce L2N with the LT-1 lantern kit.
Which one is your favorite flashlight, but only one?
It’s too hard to pick, but probably the FF4. There aren’t many lights around that will do 7000lm and 400kcd along with a nice tint.
In led though it would be between the TN36 and the TN31. For very different reasons.
Which one is your favorite flashlight, but only one?
Who are you asking?
Edit - never mind. Now, it’s clear.
Latest picture, incorporating the newly-acquired Nitecore HC50 Headlamp
Not pictured Fenix PD40 (used, ceiling-bounced, to take this shot lol). I still need to get outdoors with these lights. Better pictures, all the way around, when taken outdoors, in natural light.
For complete lights listing, please see Post # 141.
Recommended / favorite ones in bold, non-recommended in italic - others are just good. Strikethrough means given away / lost.
- 1xAAA FTT (no-name?)
- 4sevens Preon P0 mini review
- Balder BD-0 (modded with Nichia)
- Bronte RA01 review
~~ CQG S1 NW (couple)
~~ DQG II (NW & CW, w. & wout magnet)
- DQG III (NW & CW, w. & wout magnet) review
~~ DQG III Ti NW pre-production review
- Fenix E05
- FourSevens Preon Penlight
- Klarus MiX6 Au
- Klarus MiX6 SS
- Maratac AAA Cu
- Nitecore T0
- Olight A3T
~~ SKILHUNT Ramble-ι (Iota) NW review
~~ Solarforce X3
- Sunwayman R01A Gold review
- Tank007 E09 review
- Thrunite Ti (both Firefly & 3lm versions)
- Trustfire F23
- Ultrafire UF-T1
- Ultrafire SA-R2
- Maglite Solitaire (some of these)
- Led Lenser Hocus Focus
- Led Lenser P7AA / 14500:
- 4xAA Yellow Diving Flashlight review
~~ 4Sevens Quark “X” AA² Tactical XM-L
~~ Akoray K-106 (modded with XM-L2 T6 3C & Qlite)
- Balder SE-1 NW
- Brinyte DIV03 review
- C78 FTT (couple)
- Cyclone C88 XM-L NW review, beamshot
~~ EagleTac D25A Clicky Ti NW
- Fandyfire Rook review
- Fenix E21
- Fenix LD40 NW
- Fenix TK41 beamshot
- JETbeam PA40 XML SMO (couple)
- Klarus P2A
- L3 Illuminations L10 (both 3 & 4 modes XP-G2)
- Mini Maglite 2xAA
- Nitecore EZ AA (unbranded)
- Nitecore MT21A review
- Olight i2
- Olight S15 Ti review
- Shadow Mini TC6
- Sipik SK68 (multiple)
- Solarforce X2
- Sunwayman R20A (modded with Nichia 219 4500K 92CRI)
- Sunwayman V10A (modded with Nichia 219 4500K 92CRI)
- Tank007 E07 BLF Edition (couple)
- Thrunite T10
- Trustfire F25
- Trustfire Z8
- Ultrafire AA/14500 FTT
- Ultrafire C3 SS
- Ultrafire UF-H2 (multiple)
- Xeno E03 NW
- XinTD X3 (XM-L2 T3 6A1) sneak previewCR123A:
- Apex GT01
- BLF MINI (Trustfire Mini-01 customized with NW emitter and 3-mode no-strobe driver with real low)
- Fandyfire Queen
- Fenix E15
- LumaPower D-mini (modded with Nichia 219)
- MXDL (couple)
- Olight I1
- Romisen RC-C3 II NW
- Smiling Shark SS-610 NW (branded as SkyEye)
- Ultrafire 504AD:
- 2D Maglite (multiple)
- 3D Maglite (couple)
- M-Flare Rebel 90 (couple)18650:
- Aleto N8 (Glass breaking light with siren) first impressions
- APEX 5T6 5xCREE XM-L review, beamshot, another beamshot
- APEX ST6 beamshot
- Aurora SH-40 SST-50
- “Baseball bat” review
- Blackshadow Darth NW review (with beamshot)
- BTU Shocker NW review & Modded XM-L2 T6 3C NW
- Citycat YEE-Lic
- Convoy L4 (both CW & NW)
- Convoy S5 NW
- Convoy S8
- Crelant CH10 headlamp
- “Durable stick” (mace) review
- DRY v2 NW Turbo, no step-down beamshot
- DQG 18650 CW & NW initial impressions
- Dual-USB charger light w. XM-L2
- EDI-T P4 (non-programmable, fake?)
- EDI-T P14
- Fandyfire Darth CW
- Fandyfire STL-V2 (couple)
- Fandyfire STL-V3
- Fandyfire STL-V6 beamshot, another beamshot
- Headlamp XM-L Zoomable (couple)
- Headlamp XM-L powered with 2x18650 parallel (couple) beamshot
- Headlamp XM-L powered with 2x18650 parallel (another model from DX)
- Jacob A60
- KD C8 (multiple) beamshot
- KD RQ beamshot
- Keygos KE-5
- LIE REN KC-01 review, beamshot
- Magnetic Control XM-L Diving light review, beamshot
- Marsfire W-068
- Nitefighter F30C
- Olight S20 Baton mini review
- Palight T6
- Raysoon TD-398 review
- Romisen RC-T601 II U2
- Shadow TC6 NW beamshot
~~ Skyray 3800 v2 beamshot
~~ Skyray King CW
- Skyray King NW (unbranded) review, beamshot
- Skyray S-R5 Zoomable clone w. Cree XT-E Royal Blue + 1.3A driver
- Small Sun ZY-T08
- Small Sun ZY-C10-S
- Solarforce Gladiator review
- Solarforce L2x ext
- Solarforce Masterpiece Pro 1 beamshot
- Solarforce Masterpiece Pro 2 beamshot
- Solarforce P1 (yellow)
- Solarforce Skyline I
- Solarstorm Warrior (both XM-L & XM-L2 versions)
- Spiderfire SSC P7
- Streamlight Tasklight 2-L
- Sunwayman C21C review
- Supbeam K40 (both stock & modded up to >400kcd)
- Supbeam K50 (still stock)
- Supbeam X60 review (now modded to NW with XM-L2 T6 4D - love this tint!)
- Thrunite T30
- Thrunite TN31 (modded and re-modded and …) mod thread
- Thrunite TN32 (stock & modded to 500kcd)
- Trustfire TF-R2
- Trustfire TR-801
- Trustfire TR-1200
- Trustfire X2
- Trustfire X6 (modded with de-domed XM-L, awesome throw!)
- Trustfire Z5 (couple) review, beamshot
- Trustfire Z6
~~ Ultrafire 2100
~~ Ultrafire 501B (multiple)
- Ultrafire 502B (multiple)
- Ultrafire 504B (multiple)
- Ultrafire C8 WW
- Ultrafire D1
- Ultrafire SH-F12 XM-L
- Ultrafire UF-H3 (multiple) “beamshot”
- Ultrafire UF-H6 beamshot
- Ultrafire UF-T30
- Ultrafire XG-V3 review
- Uniquefire UF-DT01 XML
- Uniquefire UF-T20 (modded with de-domed XP-G2 & more current)
- Uniquefire HS-802
- Wolf Eyes Seal Hunter
- X2000 FTT
- XIAOZHI XM-L 18650
- XinTD C8 NW v3 beamshot
- Xiware L20C
- Xiware L22XL
- Yezl Z1
- Yezl T9 beamshot26650:
- Camouflage swiveled angle light from Banggood initial impressions
- BLF A8 (customized Trustfire A8, multiple NW & CW) initial impressions
- DX 26650 Diving Light initial impressions
- Keygos 7 x XM-L stock beamshot, mod thread, mod beamshotstrong> Roche F22 NW review, beamshotTrustfire TR-J12 beamshot, another beamshot
- UltraOK XM-L (26650 / 18650 / 4xAAA) discussionOther:
- 35W HID beamshot
- DX XP-G Spotlight
- Maglite 3D “Old-Lumens special” SST-90 beamshot
- MINI USB light discussion+ “some” el-cheapo no-name eBay lights (review)
Dang dude.
Latest picture, incorporating the newly-acquired Nitecore MH50 Headlamp
Not pictured Fenix PD40 (used, ceiling-bounced, to take this shot lol). I still need to get outdoors with these lights. Better pictures, all the way around, when taken outdoors, in natural light.
For complete lights listing, please see Post # 141.
I only have Fenix E05 and Olight S10 L2 in my collection. I also acquired a couple of Energizer Lithium (AAA) and Nitecore RCR123A with Nitecore I2. Just Ordered a Convoy C8 and a couple of Sanyo UR18650FM. I don’t looking to add more lights now maybe after a few months.
Sounds like you need a Convoy S2+ or S3 and some zoomies.
Some of mine
I like the worn Snapon and the four LED Lensers.
Convoy S2+ green triple XP-G2 S3 3D 8x7135 custom firmware.
Convoy S2+ red triple Nichia NVSL219BT 4500K Tamagotchi MiniEagle v2.
Convoy S2+ blue triple XP-G3 6500K BLF A6 A17DD-L FET.
Sunwayman C20C triple.
Nitecore HC30 XHP50 4000K; HC30 XHP50 3D J2.
Solarforce L2 copper pill quad XP-G2 3a0 CRI70, 5200K, 8x7135.
SolarforceL2T SS copper pill Lux-RC 334.
SecurityIng+copper head XHP50 J4-1A, LD-4B 2.4A.
Eagle Eye X6 XM-L2 dedome Tamagotchi MiniEagle v2 4A.
M43 XPL HI 3D sandstone 12А. 10.3kLm with 10511, 46800Lux. 11.2-11.4kLm w/o optic.
Zebralight SC600W MKI TIR10.
YL Panda 1.0 Nichia 219C 93CRI.
Astrolux A01 Nichia 219B; A01 Copper; M01 SS nichia; M03 Cu.
Blackwater Kite 10180 AL.
BLF A6 XP-L anodized/bare; 348 Nichia; D80; x5/x6 SS/Cu set.
Convoy M1; S2; S2+ red TIR60/blue/grey; S3; BD03; L6; C8 silver.
CooYoo 10180 Quantum SS, AL.
Courui D01.
DQG AAA cw+nw; AA; Fairy; Hobi; Spy Ti; Tiny III 18650; Slim AAA.
Eagletac Eagtac D25 tactical; D25A Ti.
Fenix PD32; E05 SS; E99 ti; UC01; TK35; TK75; HL10 2016; 15th Anniversary.
FourSevens Quark AA2 regular; Mini MKII Titanium; Mini MKII Copper; Atom AA; Atom AAF ; Atom ALF; Atom ALR2; Atom A0 Ti.
Imalent EU06 red/UF.
Jaxman U1 365 nm UV.
JETBeam MINI-1 SS, Ti.
Klarus Mi7; MiX6 Ti.
Lumens factory Seraph SP6.
Lumintop Worm SS, color v2, v3; v4; Tool; Tool Copper (ReyLight Custom); Tool Ti; IYP365; Torpedo 007.
Lux-RC FL33 v2.5 334; v3 371D (18650 18500 18350).
Maglite Mini Maglite LED pro+; 2AA Mini-Mag lamp.
Manker U11; MK34 219b.
Maratac CR123 SS V2; AA Ti rev1; AAA copper rev4; AAA TPF SS; Copper peanut.
Mecarmy Illuminex-3 Cu; BL47.
Meteor M43 Nichia 219BT-V1 Dark Grey; XP-G2 S4 5D2 4000K Stone White; XP-G2 S4 2B grey.
Nitecore MH20; Tube; EC4S; TIP winter; t5s ss.
Olight M3SX-UT Javelot; i3s Al, Br; S15 ext; S15R; M10 Maverick; M22 Warrior; O’PEN; S30; S2 Al, Cu; S1 Al, Ti, Cu; SMINI SS, Cu, Ti; S1r; S2r; S1a Al, Cu, SS; S2A; i3E Cu; i7r Ti.
Roche M170.
Skilhunt H02; H02r; H03.
Solarforce P1 yellow; P1+lamp Grey; T2; X2 SS; L2E xenon 7.4v.
Sunwayman C22C TIR10.
Surefire 6P bored +Z49 bk.
Svitac Orange XM-L 5-mode.
ThruNite Ti4T; Ti5; Ti3 ti; TN42; Catapult V3 XM-L2 U3 dedomed 103500Lux.
XinTD C8 V4.
XTAR Moon RC2.
Zebralight H52w; SC62w; H602w; H600w Mk2; SC600w II L2; H32w; H302w; H603w; s6330; H52w Mk1; H502pr; H51w; H502 Mk1; H600fw Mk2; H600f Mk2.
I’m new to the high tech flashlight world and after waiting for a month to receive my flashlight I think I ruined it. I was very excited and while charging the 4 new 18650 batteries, I used 8-cr123 batteries. I had read that they were interchangeable, and they might be in certain situations but it didn’t work out so well here. After only a second the LEDs were flickering and I quickly unscrewed the lower section and could smell something wasn’t right. Big buildup for a quick question…. In the event I can’t send it back and have it replaced, what component should I look at trying to replace? Any pointers or advice would be greatly appreciated
Most likely the driver, I would think. Maybe the LEDs. What kind of light was it?