The BLF DIY Forum First Annual Scratch made light contest - CONTEST IS DONE - WINNERS are Announced! in the OP

I’m in for the machine-made category.

3 DAYS LEFT!!! Almost time to get the party started

It's getting closer for sure! I'm going to have to go back and see if I can figure out who is really entering or not, so I can make a list! It's like Santa, making a list and checking who's naughtyTongue Out and who's niceInnocent.

I think I'm loosing it...Smile

I’m not sure where you thought this up from. I’m afraid to tell you that you have already lost it and from the above comment delusional as well.
I’m in but cant start for a couple off weeks in the m/c section. Looks like l’ll need that long to think off something. Thanks again.

I put up a list of contestants (so far).

If I did not include you, or put you in the wrong category, PM me and I will change it.

this is going to be exciting!

Looking forward seeing lots of people getting creative… :slight_smile:

i was thinking of entering the handmade, but i guess im not creative enough, because i cant think of any good ideas...

Assuming I can come up with something reasonable :slight_smile: , I’ll give the handmade category a go.

Do we have to be certain on the category before we start?
I will opt for hand made, which I have been put into… But working with a dremel, knowing I have a bench-grinder,drill press and various other stuff at my side. I may end up using those tools instead for certain tasks depending on how the build turns out and if I get too fed up with the Dremel, for the sake of using the dremel.
So there is a possibility that I will disqualify for the “hand made” category and end up in the “machine made” category despite doing a 98,5% “hand-made” light…
I assume that is OK as long as Im honest about it?
It would be nice to be able to do the decisions while doing the build, depending on how things turns out. I have no idea how I will do certain things on the light yet.
And if I get the feeling that I am using a stone in order to knock a nail into wood, I may end up picking up the hammer that is easily available…

Hand made, the hardcore way! :slight_smile:

One step higher…

Having a hard time deciding. Functional is a given but then there’s funky, foolish, fun, fantasmagorical, and I’m thinking flexible too. Phooey, I’m flummoxed.

Sure, go ahead and take the easy way.Tongue Out

As long as you let us know, but I think you should stick to hand made and use that "portable grinder" in the photo.

Put me down for an entry the Hand Made category.
I have a concept, but the execution may be a bit awkward.

Here are some concepts that are not mine:

The pictures was found online.
Ill probably stick to hand made, and a dremel/drill, despite that I personally would not consider a bench grinder any less hand-made than using a dremel for the same purpose.
Im up for a challenge though, and I will stick to the rules! :slight_smile:

You can do it man.. Perhaps a leisurely stroll though the hardware store will get your creative juices flowing.

Rock on Kent... I am so glad to have you aboard ship!!

I have used that first style hand drill so many times in my youth. I can't tell you how many holes I have drilled with that thing, during my teen years.

I still have one of the second style. It's an original, with the wooden handle and I have used it on mods before.

But I love that hand grinder. I just can't imagine how sore the hands were, of the person who had to do the turning, while the other person got to hold the part that was being ground. I imagine it was only one guy doing both, but it would be funny to think of having to take the flip of a coin, to decide who got the dirty work and who just held the part.

Hey VOB, at least with the handmade category, I can make a mistake and call it character, or art… hehe. Looking forward to a VOB creation hot off the lathe, they’re super!

6/7/13: The Contest begins on Midnight UTC 06/08/2013 and runs until Midnight UTC 07/15/2013 (hope that helps). Do not start your build before the contest starts.

I see no reason that the contest should not start when the entry period closes, so I moved the date up a day. That at least gives some people some Saturday time.

List of contestants as of now:

Hand Made

Slim Pickens


Machine Made

Chicago X

Contestants, remember when you post your build thread, to send me a PM with the link to it. I will put all of the links in one post here, so that Judges and other members have one easy access point to build threads.

We need Suncoaster on your list unless he has pulled the pin? Hand built. Thanks Suncoaster for joining in.