The gift attack continues!

Congrats! Enjoy your new lights!

Well deserved. What I have learned and shared here I could not do any where else. Thank you SB and all of the generous and helpfull members here.

that custom wording came out great! small thing the community can do for you. a (mostly) peaceful, open, generous forum we have here. if it wasnt for you, we would be forced somewhere else not so colorful

You are the best, SB! Thanks for the wonderful home away from home you have provided us! Enjoy those awesome lights but keep that phone within reach. ;) :p

Thanks SB for all your hard work!!

highly appreciated!

Wow that is great! And you did change your location, I was going to suggest that :wink:
Congrats SB and thanks for a great forum!

You did say you liked Porsche's right ??

Blondes or redheads ?

Congrats ..mega light and a mini light cool ..

I had no part in this dog went to the vet too :P

although I will chip in 300$ on a car

congrats on the very nice lights!

Mr Admin BTU is so damn cool!

So you went from The Dark to The Light

and so now you can't wait for The Night

You've enabled addictions

and other afflictions

But we're grateful to you for our plight

So behold our Arch enemy The Sun

When he shows up he ruins our fun

But we know all too soon

He'll give way to The Moon

And by golly , we'll give Her a run !

Enjoy SB.

Thanks again, conspirators !

congratulations! very nice gesture of BLF indeed!

the gift advisory board members are doing a great job for Mr Admin. I never thought any light that initially not favored by Admin, but you guys just know what will trigger the satisfaction in the flashlight world :smiley:
Congrats for all of you and enjoy Mr. Admin :slight_smile:
(never meet forum that has this joy level anywhere else).

I really love this forum.

Here’s to keeping it real Mr Admin…

Enjoy the lights sb! _the_ has a good point though...

Congrats for the well deserved lights!
You’re the best. :slight_smile:

I appreciate it that you helped us so very much in making this place humane unlike any forum esp that OTHER place.

Gentleman, this BTU Shocker is everything it’s cracked up to be and more. True to its name, it is SHOCKINGLY bright. And the throw is just insane. I can’t believe the distance that I am getting out of this thing. I don’t have time to take good shots now, but I will try to do so in the next few days. Incredibly fun light.

Thanks so much to everyone for their warm regard and gracious comments, I really do appreciate every one of them.

Congrats, sb! 8)

Nice ads to the collection.