The L-RADW (Long-Range Anti-Dark Weapon) :)

Lol, I would call this light Anti-Dark Matter Quasar :D!

There’s a lot of “jostling” going on right now during the holiday months between some of the most recent projects I have on the table, and I will be straightforward: my focus had to be diverted to an aluminum-host project during more recent weeks because of the time and money I have invested in it (I want to get it finished first and foremost while working with others on the design—which has been tedious, but exciting too as it moves forward).

As far as the LRADW progress, I am currently working with an optical company to offer a new aspheric lens design for the standard versions of the LRADW to further bring down its cost, while maintaining high-performance in throw. Since some of my work has been anchored in the 3D-printing side of things to get the best quality I could in parts I print, I wanted to make better parts which will be able to tap and thread better (for repeated assembly/disassembly when needed), so one move was to switch to a better composite material for printing the LRADW shell, which is better for real-world use because of its added tensile and elongation strength combined, which is much stronger than any current ABS product when 3D printed. This new material is known as “Industrial 910 Alloy Nylon” from Taulman3D. I also have some various other materials I started using, which I will print to produce opaque or clear and colored parts. One material will work for push buttons, being softer. Another material I am using currently to produce caps and diffusers for lensed or reflectored lights which can act as front lens/bezel protection when on the light, and at the same time will turn a thrower into a floody trail-light (until the cap is quickly removed). I would be interested in feedback on these cap/diffuser designs, so if you have any interest in that sort of thing for any light you have, please PM me for further discussion.

When I get a final word on the base-model lenses I am having produced, I will be able to offer more detail as to final configuration setups, and the levels of models of the LRADW which can be offered to the community. I would like to apologize for this moving slower than expected for those of you waiting. I hope the final results will make up at least partially for the time spent during the organization of the project and the cruel waiting-game phase.

If you’d like to see some of the material properties of some of the new composites I am using now, below is a simple explanation in the form of a bar graph from Taulman3D. The way it reads: If the material has most of its strength below the centerline in the picture, it is described more closely to a rubber band, with elongation strength primarily. If it possesses most strength above the line, it has strength which is stiff, an extreme example of this would be a glass, which doesn’t give so much—it snaps or breaks when maximum stress is reached. This means it is high in tensile strength. Remember, these are polymers and various “plastic alloys”, so just a tiny bit of elongation strength can sometimes go a long way when mixed with tensile strength to create a very strong end part. Notice the “Alloy 910” nylon properties, which will be used in this project. (The pink colored materials represent the more common, everyday printing materials, which are often of “unknown” properties when 3D printed due to their non-specific sourcing of MFGs.)

Awesome. Interesting. Enlightening. Educational. Entertaining. Eagerly awaiting further developments.

The thought crossed my mind last night of mating a UF-1504, directly to the LRADW lens array. Since I made an 80mm aspheric 1504 adapter, I started to think, “What else could I attach to that thing?”. Once I test 80, 90, and 100mm arrangements, I will have a better idea of how much sense it would make to try doing. Can’t add much more to the projects right now, as my free time has gone solely into building BLF throwers. You guys practically “own me” at this point. O:-)

Have you got an update for us MEM? :student:

He hasn't been on BLF in 8 months now, so not sure if he's coming back.

I was hoping to coax him out Tom :wink:

Well, guess he could be look'n without signing in, true...

We miss you MEM!

I’m curious about this. Did he have a patent on the collar? Anyone know the patent number? Intriguing.

No idea, but all it is is a glass spherical first-surface cold mirror.

The wavien collars aren’t available for purchase anymore but you can easily have one made for a few hundred bucks by an optics manufacturer.


LRAD is otherwise an acoustic weapon used for crowd control.
Or pirates at sea (and greenpeace)

The way I understand it, MEM developed the technology but didn't get the patent protection, or trusted someone who did, not sure of the whole story but basically he got ripped off, so don't think you will find any patents relating to this in his name. Clearly his expertise is in the tech/engineering/physics side and not business/legal side - that's why we like him

Very much ditto this. I’ve always liked and learned from all of MEM’s posts and I miss seeing him here too.
