The Old-Lumens Challenge - rules discussion

What would be good here is if the folk spoke up :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: especially those that are mildly interested but do not enter the fun. What can management do to entice more participants and make it more broadly accepted?

It’s better to have the discussion now so details can be fleshed out. Personally I’m comfortable with how the rules currently are but i think it’s easier for me to say that than someone who’s entering the hand made category for the first time. Hand made is easily the most difficult category (like that juxta sentence? :yum: ).

I’m sure management will consider all suggestions so please come forward if you have one (or lots…) - duration and season, $$ spent , outsourcing and collaborations , use of existing pills / switches etc…

What do you think?

I just had a thought about marketing the comp. Can management reach out to influencers a week or so prior to start date and give the comp a plug in their social media? It doesn’t need to be limited to flashlight related, electronics , hobby/crafting , camping , boating/fishing/diving , cycling etc… there’s a lot of activities that often use portable lighting. Be it YouTube , blog , facebook etc… Also ak the sponsors to place a small banner on their website instead of supplying a prize?

Things like that to reach a broader audience.