The There Are No Stupid Questions Thread


It’s honestly just frustrating sometimes that a USD30 becomes USD60 the moment it enters an e-commerce platform.

Haikelite has a first-party website? It doesn’t show up when I google it. Is it a Chinese site without an English setting?

I thought it was, but might be misremembering. Maybe Firefly? ‘Twas some big honkin’ 500000lm light I was curious about.

Manker has MAPs (ummm, that’s minimum-advertised price, not minor-attracted persons :confounded: ) so it doesn’t matter who sells it, as you’ll pay the same price regardless, unless they do it on the sneak.

Also, some mfrs only honor warranties if bought “officially”, and not through other sellers.

Things to watch out for…

Why haven’t anyone made a light attachment to a drone, so it could hold the flashlight for us.

it;s easy enough to hang from a string

you will find that after about 15 feet, the light is too spread out

or if it is a ‘thrower’, it will be wobbling all over the place

BLF member "stay sharp" joined in 2021 with precisely that objective. Click here to read his thread which includes a fantastic video of what he was able to accomplish.

I prefer the “as cheap as possible for each respective platform” model compared to the “MAP” model. And then the shenanigans to bypass MAP here and there…
Sofirn is a great example of what OP was talking about though. IIRC they’re on their own site, aliexpress, and Amazon. Three different prices.

Oh yea, I was aware of the Sofirn pricing circus. I just wanted to know if there was a cheaper source for Haikelight products that I hadn’t heard of. I’ve thought about buying a couple of Haikelights but haven’t pulled the trigger on any yet.

The only Haikelite sources I know are nealsgadgets and aliexpress

Hi I like to install a forward switch to the WP4 LEP.
Does Convoy sell one? If so which one do I order?

Anyone here encounter spying drones at their house?

I live in an apartment building (34 floors) and last night while watching TV, I immediately noticed this little ball of light “float” quickly down past the living room window. I ran to the balcony and I could see a little green light on one side and a red light on the other of the primary white light. Yeah, had to be a drone. It had swerved off to the right, began to arc back to the left, and I thought maybe it would be heading back to the building… but then it turned and headed across the river. I watched it intently. It kept going, going… then I couldn’t see it any longer. My guess is that someone from the other side had flown it across to momentarily explore our building.

What really surprised me is that it was whisper quiet. I really couldn’t hear that typical “drone buzz” sound.

Has drone technology gotten so good now that they can fly for many miles AND make very little noise?

“Whisper Mode”, like Blue Thunder… :laughing:

Why is MOA (micro arc oxidization) such a popular finish on flashlights suddenly? Won’t a light in that color show every stain and ding? It does look striking, I’ll give it that.

I think it’s kind of intended to end up looking “used” and “dirty”… The only way you’d keep it pristine is if you put a clearcoat on it to deflect typical abrasions (but won’t do much against hard chipping activity). Reminds me a bit of that Fenix tactical light that was offered in a “worn white” finish.

Well PAO/MAO doesn’t have to be white which is the natural color of the crystallised alumina. It can be colored with dyes like anodising. But white is a novel color and a way to differentiate it to anodising.
It is supposed to be stronger than anodising since the alumina crystallises, but fabs probably don’t have perfected the processes yet because some light with MAO scratch way easier than anodised.

What chemistry is inside a lion battery? How is it mixed? :student:

Is there an LED die size that hits a particular “limit” for what could be used in a reflector for maximum throw? I am curious because in my casual observations it looks like if an LED die becomes large enough, a suitable reflector to accommodate it for long throw becomes too massive (e.g. going from 3” to something like 10”). It does look like the TIR gives a little more “wiggle room”, but I expect there’s limits on that too.

I guess what I’m trying to get to is… are there certain emitters that just aren’t suitable for maximum throw and end up more or less used in a medium range thrower host with abundant spill?

I just joined PayPal again.

So I sold the light and I got an email from them saying that my funds are on hold and that it could take up to 21 days to release them! Nowhere in this email or on their website does it say how much money is on hold.

I have no way of knowing if the guy sent me $10 or $139.

My question is what is the average amount of time for those funds to be released? I have everything set up with my bank account. You can’t seem to call PayPal that didn’t work.


Goggle “eric july paypal”.

Apparently this is something they’re doing to hold your funds hostage on a rolling schedule if yours is a “new” account.

Oh, at least they’re not “fining” you 2500bux for saying something they don’t like.

This question is so dumb it’s embarrassing for me to even ask. What parts do I need to test some bare LEDs? Just a driver board and a battery/power supply capable of sourcing sufficient current? I’ve only ever played with pre-assembled lights but never messed with bare LEDs at all. A plug and play “evaluation kit” would be great, but I’ve done enough home brew electronics over the years so that if a ‘kit’ is unavailable I’m happy enough to wire something up on a protoboard.

Just to be clear, when I say ‘test’ I mean run the LED for several minutes at a steady output level somewhere between 50-80% of it’s rated max output.