p60’s I just feel should have been taken out and shot a long time ago, king is pointless considering the chicago x magic wand build I shall be finishing later (3000 lumen plus in something as wide as and shorter than a 2d mag tube), and I absolutely completely and totally hate zoomies with a passion.
I would say must haves are a c8, tube light and a 50 + mm reflectored light, if you go for the trustfire t1/tr1200 varients there are options for both flood and throw available off the shelf, as these lights use a screw in module a little like a p60 but less crap.
For some unknown reason the Tank007 just doesnt appeal to me. I have seen that many like them & say they are good little lights. Might have to buy one just to say I have one… LOL
If we go by your original description of what ‘popularity’ is…as in “These three lights seem to be the most discussed lights in the forum…these three lights are always popping up.”, etc., then I would think the Sky Ray King would definitely be #1. Second perhaps the C8 or HD2010….and I think the third would be either the SK68 or some sort of P60.
My choices don’t really have to do with my personal opinion of each…I’m simply going by the description in the op. I might hate or love the SK…but it sure comes up an awful lot!
Honorable mentions? ZY-T13, EA4, Home Depot Defiant/Armormax, XinTD.
popularity does wax and wane, 12 months ago it would be kd c8, ke-5, uf980l,dry, all ground breaking xm-l based lights, all now all but forgotten.
I think the next big thing in throwers may be hard driven xp-g2’s, I’m certainly doing my best at this, they come close to the lumens of a reasonably driven xm-l, and throw like a hard driven xre, I certainly wouldn’t use an xm-l in a thrower having started to play with xp-g2’s.
Defiant 3C super thrower, I would have to agree. The thread by garrybunk who started it all has 748 replies in only 3 1/2 months. Still comes to the top almost daily. It has to be on the list of most popular lights.
I got two myself. There is also several off spring threads on the same or similar light from home depot.
Seems to be very popular given the number of days from garrybunks discovery.