This is how they do fireworks in China

it is hard to even get lady fingers. I can"t even imagine the serious injury (death?)in some of these places. Some of these are almost to much. Kinda like "sensory over load!" I live about a half mile from the Detroit river (downriver from Detroit proper) where there is a island (man made) just off the dock and they have a fireworks display every year that builds slowly to a crescendo over a hour and the last 15 minutes is "let her rip!" I think i prefer this over the some what over kill (IMO) China does. In other words i have had my fill in less then a hour.


Injuries and even death is not uncommon....when you misuse it and go for "illegal" stuff with no training/knowledge i guess. In the States, you'd have your traning to get a ATF licence before you can let off those 1.3G stuff.

Sensory overload, gets irritating after a while like 1-2 hours, especially the firecrackers.

Here's in Taizong in's like a procession for the temple. It's like nearly a thousand firework cakes! (big ones and small ones). I think I saw some 4" shells as well. Definitely overload.

At 11:37 you can see a truck going past with its horn blaring with a whole load of bigger shells, that's for the same show as well probably but at another location. BTW, this is not those national gazetted fireworks show done by the govt.

That truckload of shells (few of them). What safety distance?


Sensory overload, gets irritating after a while like 1-2 hours, especially the firecrackers.


It would drive me buggy!!!


Great! Cai Guo Qiang's daytime fireworks. (the guy responsible for Beijing Olympics 2008 fireworks)