This paricular aaa light (Hugsby XP1) (I'm very impressed)

Looks like the name of the vendor was Explore002.

This looks exactly like the ones I got on Aliexpress:

Maybe the clip is how we can spot the fakes?

Hey all. I just opened a new thread about the XP-1 and XP-2 but then realized I should chime in on this thread too. I bought 6 total from tomtop on eBay. 5 XP-1s and 1 XP-2. 4 of the 6 have noticeably off center emitters. Off by like 1mm which is quite noticeable on these little guys. I see no signs that mine are fakes and other than the off-center emitters they are very nice little lights. If you get a chance please check out the other thread Hugsby XP-1 / XP-2 issues and tell me if you’ve seen the same.

Thanks everyone! Just got the one from Tomtop on E-bay and it is the real deal. Gonna order a bunch more cuz these are very nice little AAA torches. Pretty easy to tell the fakes if you look at the link I posted above. The leds in the fakes are so bad they remind me of the old angry blue Nichas.

This real Xp-1 is definitely brighter then my Stainless steel Maratacs.

After further inspection though 4 are off center only 2 have any noticeable effect on the beam pattern. All work fine and no doubt these are a great value. On the worst 2 in my 5 piece lot you can see that the hotspot is not exactly in the middle but it’s still very usable. I’m just a little picky about these things. You have to actually be looking for it to notice the hotspot is off a tiny bit. Had a paid $25 for one I would have sent it back if it were one of the worst off-center but at roughly $5 each I’m very happy. I gifted one of the off center lights to a friend and he loves it.