ThorFire VG10 $11.04 Deal Over!

Thorfire Vg10 resistance is futile

Spotted the AIMAI AK02 for $2.46 with the generic code of LED8OFF there are probably only gold ones left, it says there are 2 red but when the numbers get that low I don’t trust them.

I have been looking for a little 1” wide battery-tube light with a slightly bigger head. This will be perfect to replace the slightly-too-big-for-application C8 on my possum rifle - cheers !!!

A possum rifle you say, I am guessing NZer?

Yeah man!

I figured you were likely from either NZ or Tasmania. Lol, if I ever find myself in NZ I’ll have to try and convince you to take me possuming.

thanks mapache! picked up one just couldn’t resist. In my haste I forgot to apply the coupon code :-).

It’s good fun. I’ve been shooting them along with rabbits, magpies and hare for around 20yrs. I currently use a 2nd generation nitro-piston .22 air rifle for them, I got my first air rifle when I was 16 and upgraded every few years ever since. No point busting out my firearms when it costs mere cents to use the air rifle. They are always within 40-50m anyway. Most of the time 10-25m.
Drop me a line if you pop over! :+1:


If you are quick you might be able to cancel you’re order and then reorder with the coupon code. It might be a bit late though as when I placed my order BG were rocketing along and had the thing shipped within a few hours.

I nearly bought a PCP AG for rabbiting a few years ago but decided to stick with rimfire as there wasn’t enough cost saving. Unfortunately the nearby place that I had permission to use was sold so now it’s mostly just the range for me.

fortunately it’s only a 12 cent mistake. Considering that lightx got a good laugh on my misfortune,
I consider that money well spent :-).

The code should be a $1.95 saving. The regular price was $12.99 and with discount it should be $11.04.

Now that, is a thing of beauty.

Ah yes I’m not a fan of that platform. All the recharge gear that’s needed is just not practical out in the field. Depending on rifle and calibre 5-30 shots before knobing around filling the air tank again :confounded:

It’s good fun. I find air rifles (especially the nitro piston 2 I have now) more fun than boomsticks. Although my 12g is freekin awesome :laughing:

At first I thought it was a great platform especially since I thought I could get a free scuba tank, but now I agree with you. After the free tank fell through and I started looking at tank prices and refill prices I lost interest, and there was no way I wanted to be trying to use one of those hand pumps outside when it’s cold (by Aus standards) and raining.

“Hey, bunny rabbit - just stay where you are for 5 minutes while I fill my air tank”


Haha, you forgot to add “wait, wait, I need another 5 minutes to catch my breath and steady my aim” :weary:

I received my one yesterday, shipping was pretty quick at 10 days. I like it, I wish I had ordered two while they were $11.04.

Unfortunately the reflector is slightly crooked, looks like TF might have cross-threaded it when putting it together. Anyone have any tips on how to unscrew the reflector without marking it?

Really, i have the first and second gen, driver is not removable, i barely use them