Thrunite Ti turned itself on?

creepy >)


Casper might have paid a visit in your house, got curious and turned on the flashlight.
Your house is haunted! lol

That’s our,I mean her story huh? :zipper_mouth_face:

haha no bud, I didnt see it happen. Wish I had. Slept right thru it.

And yeah hers is green. Not sure what you meant by your original comment about green though.

I just guessed a Ghost’s favorite color would be Green 0:)

ah damn…… for a second there I thought there was something about green being 25 microns thicker plating due to higher content of some mineral… er sumthin like that :stuck_out_tongue:

Some of the twisty lights need to be turned far enough that with a little pressure the head cannot be tipped over and ground so that the light comes on.

If the light was bumped and rolled, it could come on if it wasn’t turned off by very much.

Had one of these, it turned itself on constantly. Even with an eneloop every time I went to use it, it was flat. Ended up giving it away. The brynite from DX I use is brighter and doesn’t turn itself on all the time. A little bigger and not as nice of course

Had one of these, it turned itself on constantly. Even with an eneloop every time I went to use it, it was flat. Ended up giving it away.

Maybe it’s the battery contact inside rather than the casing. :~

That’s odd gav. Thanks for letting me know.

I have one and I came home from work one day and it was on.

sounds like my old lady is not [completely] crazy….

i have 2 Ti, also green, but they never turned on by theirs!
I might say that I hold the torches always rather unscrew, and i’m a bit crazy because i use them with 10440 li-ion battery :cowboy_hat_face: ….i know it is not recommended but they are insanely bright for the size S)

thanks for the feedback G.

curious how widespread this is…

My Xiaozhi turned itself on the other night.

It was on the nightstand.
Woke me up, about 4 in the morning.

I had to press the switch twice to turn it off.
I tested the battery, an unprotected NCR18650B with about 4.08V

Maybe caused by a change in air pressure or humidity, it was beside an open window ?
Probably a faulty switch.

The earlier ‘battery crusher’ versions of the Ti had this problem but I haven’t heard about it in a while. I thought they fixed that. I believe what happens is that the foam in the head sags and coupled with the nature of the two stage switch design, completes the connection and causes the light to turn on in low mode. My original first generation Ti Firefly suffers from this, so I just loosen the head a little more than I usually would and the problem goes away.

I’ve never seen my Ti 3/60 or Ti2 versions do this, but I don’t carry them much anymore. The wife still uses her Ti and I’m the one who replaces the batteries so I know hers hasn’t done it. But it is a known issue with the design.

If it's a green thrunite ti then you probably have a gremlin in the house .

Or it could be that green M&M guy he loves the babes and probably needs a flashlight since last I saw him he was being stuffed in the trunk of a car least he's a happy idiot . Maybe it's because he has all that chocolate in him.he's so fat he's gotta have diabetes and it's probably affecting his eyesight . He needs a decent light .

Here's your problem...

Don’t feed it batteries after midnight!