That TN35 looks like a well rounded package. Not the best at anything but does everything really well. Thanks for the review!
The TN32 is available with either a “cool-white” LED as model TN32CW, OR with the warmer “normal-white” model TN32NW according to the ThruNite website. Also TN32CW is also label TN32UT (ultimate thrower?) since the cool white is supposed to throw further than the comparable warmer version. It looks like a cool white in the above beam shots. And THANKS FOR THE COMPARISON.
Great pictures! Thanks!
The TN32-UT is actually a newer light than the ones reviewed here. This isn’t really an old thread, but its not exactly new either. The -UT light isn’t about tint, its a new emitter. They swapped the XM-L2 for an XP-L HI. That’s a throwier emitter, regardless of tint. They also seem to have dialed back the current a bit since it loses something like 600 lumens over the TN32, which is now discontinued I think.
I’d love to see the TN32 and TN32-UT compared.