TK75 cheapest place to buy

Whats the any coupon code mate I can not find on site.

BLF is the code I believe. It’s what I used when I ordered my TK75.

Tried that mate and says ” Coupon Not Valid ”

WB sell it for $161 and change for XML2
after the discount…look for the code under wallbuys sale

WB says $181 for me and 62 pages on WB thread do you have a direct link please to the code.

WB september coupon code 11% off WALLBUYSALLMAGIC

Thank You very much indeed Daylighter now I just need to find out what batteries to use was going to try these from fast tech or is there any better ?

i used those btteries… they’re good :slight_smile:
i wish i waited longer before purchasing TK75 6 months ago… now it’s with XML2 and cheaper :stuck_out_tongue:

Before you order batteries, read this:

Does Shipped via Singapore Post mean HK post sorry for the blonde question.

I have had an email yesterday to say my other 5x 32650’s have been shipped.

They're different!

Ok and ThankYou for the confirmation.

WB have 3 different types of Panasonic 3400 mAh which is best as I might as well buy from them with the discount applied, only makes sense.

1./ is for sale | HugeDomains

2./ is for sale | HugeDomains

3./ is for sale | HugeDomains

Go with 3, they are the best protected batteries you can buy and no doubt the ones I’ll be ordering with my TK75

Do any coupon codes work with batteries?

Yes the Coupon Code “WALLBUYSALLMAGIC” also discounts the batteries also and comes to $192:15

it is still cheaper than what i paid without the batteries :frowning:

Sooooo tempted…or keep waiting for the FFIV….choices…

WB’s FF4, with 11% coupon code, is currently $210. Doingboutdoor still has it for $208

11% off batteries as well?

He has some Keeppower cells on sale I think.
As for the Panasonic NCR-PD prices, email Bill your asking price.