TK's Emisar D4 review

On a related note, in case anyone is so inclined, it’s fun to surprise Dale with packages.


send him an older maglight and a note asking for him to soup it up some…

LOL, you don’t know what you’re asking. :stuck_out_tongue:

Considering that I once sent him a light in a Pringles can, he’d probably “soup it up” by sending it back in a soup can. Or… by filling it with soup.

Red Savina Habanero Chicken Noodle, homestyle chunky. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’d have a hot spot all right… :smiley:

Just ordered a smooth grey D4 with the XP-L-Hi V3 in cool white. Got it for $46.64 shipped with tracking from Hank.

Would requests from fans of your firmware have any effect toward changing his mind?
I’d buy another light if it had your new UI.

And firmware is at this point what makes me interested in buying lights. I’ve got plenty of hardware that lights up generically.

(a while ago a visitor to the neighborhood lost an elderly dog — I heard people calling on the street, saw some dim orange incandescent flashlights in use, and took out four or five bright LED flashlights from my earthquake/emergency supply. They were awesomely bright, of course. Dog found, eventually)


You do not need a bunch of lumens or throw for this. 100 lumens should illuminate the bacon in your hand and the dog will see it easily.


The 100 Lumens wouldn’t help at all if it was my dog……. as she can smell farther than she can see anyway…the bacon itself would be sufficient :smiley:

I spoke too soon. Mine arrived on my desk just now. :wink: :beer:

Correct. :+1:

Thanks, I saw info on mtnelectronics

But no mention of what the correct polarity is.

Now I know for sure.

That’s the kind of hot spot which really hits the spot.

I may have to make some spicy soup today. Perhaps some chipotle noodle soup.

I doubt it. He’s pretty particular, and has his own way of doing things.

question-Emisar WONT WORK with protected lion?
or work,but not so bright…thanks

Won’t work, protected cells are too long.

Has anyone else experienced a bit of flicker from your D4? I have the nichia one, and I notice it especially when I turn it on after breaking the battery connection. Not the two flashes, but just clicking on. The light flickers in intensity occasionally, maybe every 8 counts often less frequent. I am using a Vapecell 1100mAh battery, it is presently reading out at 3.9V. Light is barely a day old, I have not tried cleaning contacts or anything else yet, seems like new out of the box maintenance should not be required. I notice it when the light is above or below the intensity level default after battery installation, but seems more noticeable at that point. Maybe I am imagining that, as I have only fooled around for a few minutes, nothing scientific in terms of data.

I love the UI, I would love the light more if it just stayed on at constant output intensity.

Invest in a decent Samsung 30Q or LG HG2 battery

The Vapecell is the same as the Aspire 1100 which I run in 3 D4’s and a D1 all the time without any issues, so the battery is likely not the problem.

There is a flicker when passing the boundary between regulated levels and hybrid levels, placed there as a reference point along the ramp.

If it’s flickering while sitting steady at a single brightness though, something is probably wrong.