I would be interested in a second D4 for me, if there were any of the small improvements in the interface, which you commented in previous post. I would like above all: that the Turbo or tactical mode could be limited to lower values (60 or 70%).
Well done! I just might give that a try.
Love that pink fur thing! :heart_eyes:
Fabulous! Are these all going to be 18650 based lights? And D7 multiple 18650? Any 26650, or was that just hearsay?
The D1/D1S use the same batteries and same battery tubes as the D4. I’m not sure about the D7.

The D1/D1S use the same batteries and same battery tubes as the D4. I’m not sure about the D7.
Sounds like there should be some nice Lego-ing with these lights then. :+1: Especially with all the different colors.

I would be interested in a second D4 for me, if there were any of the small improvements in the interface, which you commented in previous post. I would like above all: that the Turbo or tactical mode could be limited to lower values (60 or 70%).
I already have a newer fancier UI which allows setting a lower ceiling level for the ramp, so a double click from off goes to whatever level you set as the ceiling… and then another double click goes to the true maximum. It also uses the last-ramped level for momentary mode… and the only way to exit momentary mode is to disconnect power, so it won’t exit if you blink out Morse code too fast.
It also fixes quite a few other little things, like remembering moon/turbo and having difficulty detecting really fast double clicks.
More information is in the UI thread I just started:
I made a UI toolkit for e-switch lights. It makes new UIs relatively easy to create, makes porting UIs to new hardware relatively easy, and makes bugs relatively easy to avoid. But that still leaves a big question: What makes a good e-switch UI? So I’m hoping to get some discussion going about what people want in a UI. What’s good, BLF?
Toykeeper new ui looks fabulous.
Nice job emarkd! I mentioned that clip before but only had the un-dremeled sample, and no picture. The other one is staying on my hds. The oveready copper wavey washer works instead of a paper clip too but is $5 and falls out.
I wasn’t sure about that clip on the d4 due to cost but man it looks good. Hmmm

I already have a newer fancier UI…
This sounds just perfect to me! :+1:
I should go back and find that deep-carry clip which looked like it would work… and then try to figure out how to order some (the site had no english version, and my browser didn’t offer to translate it).
It’d be really nice to have something similar to an Olight S series clip, or a ring-spacer clip in deep carry style. I could just get a couple more Solarforce clips, I suppose, but they’re not deep-carry.
Has anyone found a clip which works with the 18350 tube?
Dang it. I’m gonna need one of those clips. It’s $22 and shipping but it’s gorgeous.

Has anyone found a clip which works with the 18350 tube?
Yes a hat-friendly 18350 clip would be most welcome
As others have mentioned, the lack of knurling or any grip texture was bothering me. So I decided to add my own!
Since there is no lanyard hole, I also added a wrist loop to the wrap.
Nice! A basket weave corded knurling! Well done!
Well done! I’ve really got to brush up on my paracord skills.
What is the cord you used? It’s much smaller than paracord.
Awesome work korpzgrinda :+1:

The main issue i have with the actual *V2 UI on the D4 is that the default single click is unpredictable.* It can be anything between moon and turbo regardless of the last level you ramped to. A single burst of turbo with a double click from off will reset the last used level to max - which will probably come as a surprise the next time you turn on the light.
Unpredictable..? really, how so...?
These always are predictable, always.
D4 is the essence of predictability, if you know its simple operation:
These always will work every single time,,,
1) hold the button in for lowest possible lumen on, continue to hold the button for maybe 1.5 seconds, ramps very quick to full burst turbo mode.
2) click once and light will always go to the last used level, always.
3) 2 quick clicks from off (no matter what the last use was) will always go to turbo. 2 more fast clicks to whatever it was at before.
How some of us don't realize that once in turbo mode, that is/was the last mode used so it should/is held in memory.
If you don't want to start in turbo don't do the 1 click to bring back last level used. Go to a hold button in for a start in low> ramp to turbo. This hold button in 'mode is a very fast couple of seconds from moon-turbo. And only 1 motion. Maybe faster then any series of clicks to get to some 'wanted' ramp level. And chances are it probably will only have to be held in for a second to get to mid level ramp. The hold button in is fast to get anywhere you want to go, and maybe my most favorite mode of operation. After all, this is a ramping flashlight, why not use it as such..?
4) 3 quick click goes to bat check/thermal reg temp check
5) 4 clicks, goes to a 'momentary' switch push button instant on turbo. This mode will lock out everything else and be the only mode available till another 4 clicks turns it off.
6) Loosen and tighten the tailcap, then click: Turn on at the highest regulated mode (~135-165 lm).
With these 6 easy to remember operations, one can do almost everything a light could need to do, and do it quicker then most any other ui... K>I>S>S>
To me, this is the essence of predictability and operation. Especially with the side switches ease of operation, and ease of beating out a series of code clicks, the side switch is eons ahead of a tail clicky imo...
Sorry, but to call this D4 v2 "unpredictable" is incorrect in every sense.
Talk about unpredictable, then a tail clicky light is what I think of.
The e switch lights are a massive upgrade from a tail clicky imo. And this D4's switch seems to be very smooth and sure footed, nice switch...
My only gripe, I dislike the blips in the ramp to denote 7135 cutout to fet and the other blip at the end or sometimes in the middle of ramp?. They might be there for that, but look/feel more like a cheap hiccup and poor quality IMO. makes this D4 less classy, less high quality, and more like a poorly engineered Jiangnan car... I say dump the hiccups and go for the smoothest ramp possible.
Wow, absolutely beautiful! :heart_eyes: Such skill and patience, which I severely lack! I would love to have most of my big lights done up like this, it would have to feel great in bare hands and an insulation barrier for those cold winter adventures!!
Well done!! :+1:
Thanks guys, I have been a fan of Stormdrane (stormdrane.blogspot.com) for a few years now. I forget how I originally stumbled on his work, but it was my first real exposure to the EDC concept. He has tied knotwork around many different items and I just love his photos.
The cord I used on this is called Handy Hundred cord, that they sell in a surplus shop in my area. I’ve read somewhere online that it’s excess cord from a factory that makes window blinds, so they have various colors but it’s random selection usually. It comes in widths of 0.9 mm, 1.4 mm, and 1.8 mm and I believe I used 1.4 mm on this. A funny thing about the packaging is that the widths are not labeled, but it does state there’s at least 100 ft of cord per spool (handy, huh?) But really it’s just nylon cord, so any other kind would do well I think.
I followed some paracord tutorials on youtube, but I just scale it down for the smaller cordage. It took a while to get it right. I had to untie a bunch when I missed one or two pattern steps. Overall, I thought the D4 was worth the effort.
Just got my D4 today in XP-L HI V3 1A flavor with v2.0 UI in grey.
I REALLY like this UI! Nicely done TK and Tom E!
Is this somewhat similar to the Q8 UI?
Re: all the discussion on heat … yeah, it gets hot fast. I’m glad I got the LED that I did. I didn’t expect it to be usable at full output for anything more than short bursts.
All in all a VERY (!) nice light. Now I’m wanting the sun to go down.
Does anyone have the numbers for current draw at full output before thermal protection kicks in and at lowest output?
Last question… on the UI map it mentions direct drive. What is that in laymans terms that I’ll be able to understand?