
I reported this guy as well. He’s probably a self-hating closet case.

Did SIG create another account under a new name?

Must be a full moon…


Well, it kind of does usually…

Well, that’s not entirely false.

Yeah, truth is offensive quite often…

But now you probably think i have something against homosexual people?
Well, THAT is where it gets offensive, because i have nothing against homosexual people.

I wonder if someone finds me rude too right now.

Are you talking about the guy who had wonderful things to say about Jews? I’m being sarcastic of course. I was thinking it might be him

Yeah, sounds like SIG indeed.
One of those hateful “Christians” (note the quotations marks).
He should read 1 Corinthians 13 and repent.

Hmmm, I guess a * has fallen upon this thread :smiley:
Hope it doesn’t become “*dust” :smiling_imp:

Seems to be when ever i comment :frowning:

Naw, that was Craig-IL or something. Good riddance.

SIG was more recent. He started insulting… think it was Enderman… for spending big bux on his reflector, like he should be donating all his cash to the poor instead instead of spending it on lights. Revealed himself as being a major douche by the time he was finally booted.

Seriously, it’s like someone just kicked over a rock and all these creepy-crawlies go skittering all around at once.

I should know better than to comment, but wotdahell…

Raymond Burr, Rock Hudson(!), buncha others I never would’ve known, all turned out to be homosexural.

Seriously, you couldn’t even pay me to care any less about who sticks tab A into slot B.

To quote Dirty Harry Callahan from “Magnum Force” (from Magnum Force (1973) - Quotes - IMDb ):

Early Smith: They came through the Academy after me. They stick together like flypaper, you know? Everybody thought they were queer for each other.

Harry Callahan: Tell you something. If the rest of you could shoot like them, I wouldn’t care if the whole damn department was queer.

About sums up how I feel about the matter.

I don’t remember SIG, but Enderman has been much better lately. I’m always willing to give a second chance. He’s earned it IMO.

Don’t recall anything he mentioned about any particular religion. He was just being a horse’s ass.

No offense to any horses out there…

Sorry man, but this one, it deserves: * :smiley:

melin32 is done.

Back on topic :wink:

“the final word on Stars”
The most interesting part start at min 30

The Stellar Compendium

Strange Stars | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

Evening ☆

Just got a message from SB that melin32 is done. Unfortunately, this POS can be back under a different name.

Very good point Jerommel :+1:

So about Sig shooter, Whats happened?

NNNNOOOOOoononononono, nono.

SIG bad.

SIG_shooter good.

Yeah, Sig shooter is a old member I was shocked here :smiley:

And that Sig bad, whats happened?

He was being a douche. Enderman posted about his reflector, SIG replied with a pic of some starving kids in Ethernopia or somewhere, as in, “all these kids are starving, you should be ashamed, how dare you spend your bux on that?”, and it all went bobsledding downhill from there.

Thats crazy, I cant imagine those such trolls invaded the BFL :person_facepalming: