trip to home depot... defiant 3xC cell xml and minimag pro

They’re a hair cheaper here . They’re $17 (before shipping). But I still MUCH prefer this light with Cs, especially compared to only 3xAA. You will probably only get about an hour of runtime from this light from 3xAA. But with 3xC, I can get a full two hour walk in.

So you've given it a runtime test? How's the light output after those 2 hours? The ANSI claim is 4 hours, but I imagine the light is getting really dim by then. So would you say 2 hours is more realistic?


Also want to say that I don't think it's fair at all to compare a $49 Coast to this $19.88 Defiant.


The Sanyo sleeves for the AA—>C adapters don’t increase resistance because it is just a sleeve. I.e. The ends are uncovered. They actually work quite well in the Defiance 3C because the tailcap spring is long. As for lower reliability, I don’t see how, but of course more parts = more parts to break.

My main annoyance with this light is the lack of a lower mode. 550 lumens is nice, but in a dark room, it can be blinding. The other thing is the light body is slippery— I will have to cut a piece of shrink tubing for it I think.

How many tiny dots on the ground are you planning to throw with all those A60’s and Mags?

Well, I’ll give ya a hint. Have ya every heard of a ’Thousand Points of Light”?

:open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue: 8) :beer:

I posted beamshot comparisons between this Defiant 3C XM-L and a 2D Maglite (& Small Sun ZY-T08 & Defiant 3AAA XB-D) here.


I had bought the Maglite 2D Cree at Lowes for $15.

After buying a couple of these Defiants at Home Depot, I immediately returned the Maglite.

The Defiant is so vastly superior to the Maglite that it’s not even a close contest.

The Maglite had a tone of artifacts and a huge, irregularly shaped “donut hole” in the center of the beam that became pronounced when adjusting the beam, and the Defiant is easily 2 1/2 times as bright, with about 3x as much usable spill.

As far as the build quality is concerned, again, the Defiant is just as good as the Maglite, IMO.

I used the Defiant on a 1 hour walk with the dog and had it on about 70% of the time, and I doubt it got warmer than 85 or 90 degrees, at most.

The Maglite shouldn’t have a donut hole when focused properly. At least none of mine have that problem! I like the Defiant as well, but the Maglite has it beat in terms of throw and runtime. Also, I find the Defiant too bright for close up work. Like tonight, I was unhooking a trailer and there was way too much glare unless I pointed the light off to the side. For most other tasks I use it for though, it has the Maglite beat. What it really needs is a 2 or 3 mode driver.

I agree its too bright for a lot of use and needs a low mode, but how would that Maglite have been for that task? Pencil beam thrower for close up area lighting - no good!
