triple 6V (mtg/xhp ) emitter driver recomendations for 2-3 cells

Thinking about a triple mt-g2/xhp70 build with an empty tr-3t6 host I have sitting here.

Would like to still be able to run 2 or 3 18650s for flexibility. 3-5 even up to 7A per emitter with 2-3 modes and no blinkies.

I can find some by the specs, but am wondering which ones are known good drivers. They tend to be a bit more $$ than the drivers I am used to playing with.

Anybody have a driver they’ve had good luck with that would fit this application?


How much room for the driver do you have?
If there’s space I’d suggest a Zener modded SRK FET with 6 cells, 2s3p, just for the large solder pads

I know it wont fit in the normal driver location (26mm if memory serves), but will have to check if it would fit right above there.
Thats one big driver.

Could do a zener modded FET driver though.

Not sure how you would make 6 cells, 2s3p work in this host?


2 cells DD into 3 MT-G2’s sounds like not enough juice to feed the beast. I’d recommend finding a way to get more in there.

With 3 18650s I am back to looking for a buck driver, and wiring them in parallel.

Not a problem, I have seen several, but which are known good ones?

I haven’t used any yet that will handle 6v emitters and enough current to run them reasonably well.
Going with parallel, I’d be looking for 9A driver.
Is there such a thing as a FET buck driver? That would be interesting.


Better make sure you program some low modes on that driver… the tr-3t6 gets hot enough with 3 amp’d XM’s, never mind three of the big-bangers :cowboy_hat_face:

Yep, several.

6V*3A=18W per emitter => 54W total
6V*5A=30W per emitter => 90W total
6V*7A=42W per emitter => 126W total
Even 54W power seems to be a bit high for that host (as I remember LED module is screwed to the host at bezel, not much surface contact for good heat transfer).
I think stock driver (buck) should work with 6V emitters, 4-5A total current (but with blinkies).
May be just three XHP50 on DTP boards, resistor mod of driver?
And you get ~ 5000-7000LM (estimated).


Used them in a different light.

Mine was not threaded, just set in there. But I have already had my suspicions it was not a genuine piece.

Was thinking if I do this, of making/buying completely custom guts for it. Probably along the lines of pressing in a slug of aluminum (or copper if I splurge) to make a integral shelf for the mcpcbs to be screwed down on. No need for it to be removable. I can get to both ends, and plenty of room to solder the wires with them in place.

Even then, limited run time on high.

I enjoy the fabrication as much as anything. Practicing my machining skills, and finding workarounds for the tools I don’t have. Like to think I am fairly good at that kind of stuff.

Still learning on the electronics side of it.

Not a new thing for me, pushing the heat issue a bit.
Just put together a DD MT-G2 @ a little over 3.5A on 14500s, around 22-23 watts. Size = 17.4mm Dia. X 158mm long including switch, all copper.
My first MT-G2 build-copper smoothie (prototype anyway) Gets hot pretty fast. Couldn’t wait for the driver to get here so I can have some lower modes with a bit more run time.
Will have to tear it down and rebuild when the driver gets here. Still a lot of work to do on that one before I get started on another.
