Triple XPG P60, Three Driver Options

Having been inspired by dorpmuller’s triple XPG thread, I’ve decided to try my hand at it, and now I’m looking at driver options. All of the drivers I’m looking at are 8x7135, but my question is whether the differences are great enough to make one a clear winner over another.

Obviously, my first option is the suggested, Shiningbeam Driver

The others I was interested were the Kaidomain , the CustomLites ,and the IlluminationSupply .

Any info on the pros/cons of any of these would be great!


Shinigbeam, Customlites, DX - All these are basically the same, 8*AMC7135 2.8A drivers. Of those, the cheapest is as good as the others.

KD V2 and IS use special AMC7135s with 8*380mA, thus 3.04A. KD V2 and IS have different modes though: By applying a solder bridge the NANJG 105C (IS or other) can be set to L/M/H/strobe/SOS, L/M/H, L/H/strobe, L/H; whereas the KD V2 offers some more options, even memory is selectable.

However there are some even more advanced UIs available, i.e. the NANJG105C 2.8A or 3.04A with custom firmware: E1320 offers a 5 mode UI (with memory, no blinkies) which is quite popular, and I offer some quite flexible drivers, too (BLF thread).

Thanks for the info on those drivers! So basically whichever I like best is the one for me? Well, what if I like the idea of one ofyour drivers? Do you have a sale thread or something where I could find prices and other info?


Just PM him and he'll tell you a price.

I’m building a couple of triple XP-G drop ins myself. I’m using the KD V2 driver + 3 380ma 7135 chips for 4180ma. The drivers seem pretty good but this is my first real build so I have nothing to compare them to.
The only think I don’t like is the spring, very short and stiff.

Thanks guys, I think I’ll PM him.